Chapter 15: Getting to Know Eachother

Start from the beginning

     "Okay, look. If anyone, literally anyone else... well except Remus or Janus... did that, I'd be a flustered mess, I promise I'd faint. It's just, you're like a brother to me, so, it was just so weird and unexpected that all I could do was laugh." He explained with an awkward expression. "Fine, I guess." I huffed. "So how can I help you then?" I asked, sitting back down on the bed. "I don't know... just... Immoral support?" Virgil said hesitantly. "Always." I assured him. "Really? Because lately..." Virgil muttered bitterly before stopping himself. "Never mind." He quickly added, looking away.

     Before I could reply, there was a knock on the door. Virgil took a deep breath, and checked himself over in the mirror before answering it. "Hey." Roman greeted, smiling fondly as he studied Virgil. "Uh... hi..." Virgil returned, already looking at Roman in awe. "I got these for you." Roman stated, pulling out a bouquet of violets from behind his back. "Oh... I..." Virgil stammered, accepting the flowers. "Thanks, Princey... You're quite the charmer aren't you?" He teased before looking towards me. I gave him a half hearted thumbs up, and he sighed in relief before returning his attention to Roman.

     "Only for you, my Dark Prince." Roman cooed, reaching forward to tuck some loose hair behind Virgil's ear. Virgil made a flustered sound as Roman stepped out of the doorframe, gesturing for Virgil to enter the hall. "Uh... Could you put these in a vase or something?" Virgil asked me, handing me the vase. "With pleasure, dark prince." I teased, causing Virgil to hiss at me. I chuckled before putting the flowers away, and watched with a smirk as Virgil rolled his eyes. "I'll be back..." Virgil muttered before leaving with Roman. "Alright." I replied as the door closed. And when you're back... I'll have help. I thought.

     Hopefully the three of us can talk some sense into you...

Remus's POV
(Warning for self deprecation)

I smiled widely as I walked down the forest trail, breathing in all the smells, absorbing all the sounds. Is this what it's like to feel alive? I wondered before snickering at myself. Since when am I so philosophical? I wondered, turning to Logan with a grin. "So, Logie, what do you like to do for fun?" I asked him, walking backwards and watching as Rocky sniffed at the ground. "I enjoy puzzles, reading, writing, and learning new things." Logan answered, chuckling after Rocky looked up and barked. "I also enjoy going on walks, and spending time with Rocky, of course." He added, reaching down to pet the dog.

     "I like music, dancing, painting, drawing, pulling pranks, making traps... Probably not allowed to do that here... I could make prank traps I guess." I listed, smiling as I turned to walk forwards again. "I also like stargazing... Jannie and I used to always climb up to the roof of my Mom's apartment building and look up at the stars. We'd talk about what we think might be up there... or just talk about life." I told him, smiling softly as I looked up at the sky.

     We walked in silence for a moment, and I looked over my shoulder to see Logan staring at me. I smirked at him and snickered, causing him to blush and look down. "Like what you see?" I teased, causing him to turn redder. "I... uh..." He stammered before clearing his throat. "What do you think the stars are?" He asked, clumsily trying to change the topic. I giggled before turning to face him again, only to end up walking backwards into a tree. "Ah!" I yelped, before laughing at myself. "Uh, anyways," I began, brushing myself off and walking beside Logan instead.

     "I think the stars are big balls of fire, spread across the universe to light it up. The sun is just the one closest to us, and that's why it looks so big." I told him excitedly. "Janus thinks that's ridiculous. He thinks stars are just holes in the force field that let the air in so we can breath, and the stars are moonlight poking through. But I know he's wrong because there are stars in Auradon too." I continued, snickering at the realization. "Actually, you're right Remus." Logan confirmed.

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