Chapter Thirty Two~

Start from the beginning

I blushed, he wanted to hang out with me so bad and he sounded so shy when he asked.

"I didn't go to school today, I forgot to set my alarm, what time and where though?"

He answered, "Well since you are at home, I could drive us there by lets say 12?"

"Okay, 12 it is, I'll see you then"

"Good, see you later"

"Yeah bye"and hung up.

I screamed excitedly and headed upstairs to look for what to wear to wear. I opened the wardrobe and the first thing I thought of wearing was my black joggers and white sweater. I began to ransack the wardrobe until I found my favorite black joggers and then I removed the sweater from the hanger and threw them on the bed. I removed my clothes and put them on quickly.

I removed the cream colored silk scarf from my hair and replaced it with my head warmer, but I decided against it and wore the scarf instead and tied it firmly behind my head. I wore my socks and black sneakers and I looked at my reflection, I didn't look over dressed, I looked just okay. I wore my razor silver chain and my earrings. I applied my lipgloss and took my phone and walked downstairs. I opened the fridge to take a packet of my favorite cookies.

I ate it and walked to the mirror in the living room and sprayed my perfume and walked out. It was five minutes past twelve, I pressed the bell and saw Simona, carrying a dish of what looked like cookie batter and was whisking it.

"Michelle, how are you? I thought I was the only one who didn't feel the need to go to school today".

I chuckled and sat down on the couch, the couch where Alex had kissed me, "Actually I would have gone to school, but I forgot to set my alarm".

She dropped the bowl on the kitchen counter, "Oh, I didn't feel like going anyways, you have a lot of talking to do young lady, what happened yesterday?" She whispered.

I blushed lightly and opened my mouth to talk, but instead I smiled. I walked over to the kitchen and sat on the stool. "Well, I don't know, he kissed me that's all"

She added milk into the batter and giggled, "Actually when I walked in, it looked more than a kiss, it was way intense and the way you two were mhhm, that was what I like to call, intense and serious......."

She stopped talking and I turned back to see Alex descending the stairs, he looked so handsome with his new haircut and his basketball jersey with a black sport bag slung over his shoulder.

"Stop staring" Simona whispered and I turned to face her.

"I wasn't". I turned back to face Alex, "Hey".

He picked up my cookie from the counter and flashed me the most beautiful smile,

"Hey, is this yours?" He asked gesturing to the cookie in his hand.

"Yeah, you want some?" He shook his head and dropped the bag to the floor. "I'm okay, I don't eat before practice".

I opened the packet and took a bite from one, "This is pretty good, sure you don't want to try some?"

He shook his head and he looked so adorable and cute. "Mmmh this is so, so....good, Simona try some"

She took one and took a bite, "This is the best cookie I have ever tasted, it's so..... mmmh good and soft". Alex shrugged and chuckled, "Well a bite won't hurt".

I chuckled when he groaned, "This is freaking good, it's so soft and milky and the way it melted in my mouth is heavenly".

I chuckled and hit him on the shoulder when he reached out the take another one,

"Hey! You said just one, that's enough". He laughed and raised his hands in surrender,

"Okay, you ready?" I nodded and hopped off the stool.

Simona called out to me, "Hold on, let me put some cookies for you, I baked them, their warm and oven fresh, their his favorites he won't be able to resist" She whispered and winked.

I smirked and walked towards the door with a jar of cookies. I opened it and entered the passenger seat, while he put his bag in the backseat. I ate it and it was so soft and warm and heavenly, this was my best cookie from now on, I'll beg her to teach me her recipe. Alex entered the driver seat and started the car.

"More cookies?" He groaned and pulled out of the driveway. I chuckled and chewed slowly and turned on the radio.

Hey guys, at this point on I won't be writing all these short notes, just read and be marveled, because I'm surprised myself at everything and the way things are turning out. Anyways I'll see y'all in the next chapter. You know the drill......Vote....Follow....anddddd Comment...

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