Chapter 54

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Over the next couple of years a lot has happened for the team. Chloe and Jimmy finally got married and they now have a son named Henry James Olson II. Lois and Clark were also married during that time and now have twins on the way. They didn't want to know the gender, so that they could be surprised when the time came. It just so turns out that Lois is in labor now.

"Jesus, this hurts. I can't see why anyone would want to do this more than once." Lois screamed as Clark was driving her to the hospital.

"I think it is what happens after the birth is what keeps them going, Lois. Who knows, you might feel the same way." Clark said.

"Doubtful. But I do have to admit, I am looking forward to meeting them." Lois said with a smile.

"I know you are. Ok. We are at the hospital now. I will go in and get a wheelchair. I will be back in a minute." Clark said as he left the vehicle to go and get a wheelchair.

. . .

It didn't take long for the couple to be taken to a room so that they could get comfortable for the long haul. Clark had called Chloe and Oliver to let them know that they were at the hospital. Lucy and Kara had followed behind them, so they were now in the room with them as well. Clark also called his mother, but she won't be able to get here in time for the birth, but she will be here as soon as she can. Lucy had gone and called her father and he was the same way. He would not be able to get there for the birth, but he would be there as soon as he could.

"I have to say, this is probably the worst pain I have ever been in in my life." Lois screamed as she had another contraction.

Emil Hamilton was the doctor who was working with Lois, being that he knew everything about the heroes in the first place. "Lois, you are progressing nicely. You should be ready to deliver in a couple of more hours." Emil said.

"The sooner the better. I don't know how much longer I can take this." Lois said.

"Lois, you are going to be fine. All you have to do is put up with a little more pain and then you will be able to rest." Clark said.

"That's easy for you to say, Smallville. You're Not the one who has two babies inside of you." Lois said.

"True, but you are the most beautiful person I have ever seen with two babies inside of you." Clark said.

"Sorry to tell you Clark, but trying to flatter me isn't going to work for you. I don't think I will be able to have sex for a while." Lois said with as much of a smile as she could muster.

"Can't a husband just tell his wife how beautiful she is without having sex on his mind?" Clark asked.

"I guess so. So, I guess we should all get comfortable. Looks like we are going to be here for a while." Lois said as she leaned back against the bed and tried to rest as best as she could.

. . .

A couple of hours later, it was time for Lois to start pushing. Lois didn't know if she could do this two times, but she was going to give it her best shot.

"Ok Lois, it looks like you are ready to go. I need you to push now." Emil said and Lois did as she was told.

She pushed hard and screamed so loud that they were sure that the whole hospital heard her. She pushed a few more times before having to take a rest.

"You are doing great, Lois. I can see the top of the head. Give me another push and the head should be out." Emil said and Lois nodded and started to push again.

It took a couple of pushes and the head finally came out. Lois decided that she needed another break, so she took a minute and then she started to push again. At this point she felt the pain go away slightly and she could hear the baby crying.

"It's a girl. Let the nurses clean and check her out and then you can hold her." Emil said and Lois nodded.

A few minutes later, her baby girl was resting on her chest and she couldn't help but smile. "I think you are going to look like your daddy. You already have his eyes." Lois said.

The next contraction hit Lois and she handed the baby over to Clark so that she could start pushing again. About ten minutes later, they had another baby girl. Once the baby was cleaned and checked out, she was placed on her mother's chest. Lois looked down at the new baby and she smiled again.

"That's more like it. You have my eyes. At least one of you might look like me." Lois said and Clark couldn't help but laugh.

"I will go out and get the other. They will be here soon." Emil said as he cleaned up and then walked out of the room to get the others that had been waiting for the babies to arrive.

A few minutes later, there was a knock on the door and then it opened and in came Chloe, Jimmy, Lucy, Kara, Oliver, General Lane, and Martha Kent. "You got here earlier than you thought Mom?" Clark asked.

"Yeah, when I got to the airport a plan was waiting on me along with General Lane." Martha said.

"I thought it would help out if she flew with me. If not she would have been late tonight getting here." Sam said.

"Thank you, Sir." Clark said and the General nodded.

"So, let us see the babies." Chloe said.

Lois passed the one that she was holding to Chloe and said, "This is Ella Lane Kent."

"Aww she is so cute. She has your eyes." Chloe said to Lois as they passed the baby around.

Kara walked up to Clark who was holding the other baby. "Can I hold her?" Kara asked.

"Sure. Kara, I would like you to meet Lara Martha Kent." Clark said.

Kara smiled and looked down at the baby. "She has your eyes." Kara said.

"Yeah she does." Clark said.

It took a while to have both of the babies to be passed around between all of their friends and family, but once that was done, everyone except for Clark left, and now Lois was able to finally rest.

"How are you feeling?" Clark asked.

"Tired and very happy. I can definitely see why mothers want to go through this again now. Don't get any ideas though, Smallville." Lois said with a tired smile.

"I wasn't planning on it. Get some sleep. We are going to have very busy lives from now on, so you better get it while you can." Clark said.

"Oh, I intend to." Lois said as she shut her eyes and was out before she leaned back into the bed.

Clark couldn't help but smile at his family and think back to that one Valentine's Day that started all of this, wondering what would have happened if it wasn't for that crimson lipstick that Lois wore that night.

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