Chapter 38

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Clark and Lois were working in their office on an article that Grant had given them. It was just a fluff piece and Lois hated those, although she knew that she needed to do them ever once in a while to make sure she kept her job. She looked across from her and saw that Clark was working hard on his part of the article, so she figured that she better get to work as well.

"I can't believe Grant gave us this article. This is not what we do." Lois said.

"Lois, we have to do what we are told or we won't have a job. I think a fluff piece every now and then isn't too bad." Clark said.

"I guess. I just hate doing this kind of article when we could be out there doing a story that would actually help people." Lois said.

"I know. We just have to realize that we have to do these stories and live with it." Clark said.

"Ok. So, how is your part coming?" Lois asked.

"I am about done. You?" Clark asked.

"I have a little bit more to do, but not too much." Lois said and Clark nodded as they got back to work.

The next thing they know, Jimmy about breaks their door down when trying to enter their office. He was panicking and Clark and Lois could tell that something was wrong.

"What's the problem, Jimmy? You look like something scared the hell out of you." Lois said.

"The monster. It's back. I hope you know what you are doing with this plan of yours, because it is time to put it into effect and end this once and for all." Jimmy said and the two heroes got up from their desks and flew out of their window in their office.

"Good Luck guys." Jimmy said as he left the office and made his way to where the battle would be taking place so that he could get pictures for the article that Clark and Lois were going to write after the battle was over.

. . .

Superman and Superwoman finally arrived at the scene and saw that Supergirl and Green Arrow were already there trying to hold off the monster until all of the heroes arrived.

"Watch Tower, get in touch with John Jones and tell him to get here as soon as possible." Superman said.

"On it Superman." Watch Tower said.

A few minutes later John showed up and now all of the heroes were getting into the fight and it actually looked like it was finally wearing the monster down. They continued to attack until the monster was going down to one knee because of the energy that he was having to use to block most of the shots that were taken on him. Once the heroes saw that this was the case, they knew that it was time to put the rest of their plan into motion.

"I think we are wearing him down." Superwoman said.

"Yes. It does look that way. Let's make sure he is completely out of energy before we go to the next part of the plan." Superman said and the other heroes nodded in agreement as the heroes continued their attacks.

Soon the monster was on the ground and the heroes knew that it was time to finish this once and for all. Superman and Supergirl grabbed his arms while Superwoman and John Jones grabbed his legs and they all took off toward the sun.

"I am glad that we decided to wear this thing out before we flew away with him. I don't know if we could have done this otherwise." Supergirl said.

"We would have. It just would have been a whole lot harder. Don't get ahead of yourself though. We still have quite a way to go and anything can happen between now and the time that we get to the sun." Superman said, and just as he said that Doomsday started to move a bit.

"You had to say that didn't you, Superman? You pretty much just woke him up." Superwoman said as the monster really started to fight back.

"I know, I know. Don't tempt things. I should know better than that." Superman said as he and the rest of the heroes kept containing the monster as best as they could.

Finally they made it to the sun and with their collective power they threw Doomsday into the sun and the last thing they heard before they turned and flew back to earth was the howling of the monster as the sun started to burn him alive. The heroes made it back to earth and met up at Oliver's penthouse.

"So, I am assuming that everything is taken care of?" Oliver asked.

"Yeah, that should take care of him. If not, I have no idea what else we can do." Clark said.

"We just need to have faith that it worked, Smallville." Lois said and Clark nodded knowing that she was right.

"So, I hope that ends any extraterrestrial events for the time being. I would love to just go back to regular street thugs for a while." Oliver said.

"You and me both." Clark said and the other heroes nodded in agreement since they all could use the break because of all the thinking that they had been doing so that they were ready when Doomsday finally did come back.

. . .

The heroes didn't know that at the Luthor Mansion where all of the Kryptonian artifacts that Lionel had were collected, an orb was coming to life and the next thing that happened was fascinating. It lit up and the next thing that happened was really bad. A group of people all of a sudden appeared and all of them but one bowed. It was obvious that this man was going to be trouble, because if he had his own people bowing to him, what would happen when the rest of the world didn't do the same. This will probably be the world's most dangerous threat yet.

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