Chapter 5

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Six Months Later/One Week Outside of the Fortress

Lois and Clark were finally done with their training, and they would be going home to see their family and friends for the first time in six months, although to the outside world it had only been a week. You could tell that they had been in the fortress for a while because Clark's hair was a lot shaggier than it was before they left Smallville, and Lois's hair was now a dark brown since she had not been able to die it for the last six months.

"You know I love you Smallville, but you need to do something with your hair. It is entirely to long right now." Lois said.

"I am going to do something with it before we leave here. What are you going to do with your hair? I think you need to cut off the bottom where it is still blonde, but I like you better with the dark brown hair." Lois said.

"I think it is time to go back to my natural color anyways. I don't even know if dye will work anymore." Lois said.

"So, come on and cut my hair then I will cut the blonde off of yours." Clark said as he gave some scissors to Lois to cut his hair.

After Lois was done with Clark's hair, he then took the scissors and worked on her hair. After that was done, they decided to head home. They had a lot to talk about, when it came to what they were going to do with their lives in the future. They didn't know for sure if they wanted to be public heroes or if they wanted to fight evil from the shadows. If they were going to be public heroes, then they would need disguises of some sort. But that was for another day. Right now, they just needed to get themselves integrated back into society.

"Let's go home Clark. I think I have seen enough of this place for a while." Lois said and Clark nodded as they both flew out of the fortress back to Smallville.

When they got back to the farm, they found out the Mrs. Kent was going to be in the capitol for the rest of the week for meetings with the Senate. That meant that they had the house to themselves for another few days. Clark decided that he would go out and do his chores to get them over with so that he wouldn't have to worry about them later. Lois decided to call the Inquisitor and tell them that she would not be coming back to work for them and then she called Chloe to see if there were any positions open at the Daily Planet.

"Hello." Chloe said on the other end of the line.

"Hey cuz, I was wondering if there were any openings at the Planet. I just quit the Inquisitor. That place was doing nothing for my career." Lois said.

"There might be. I will check with my boss and see what he says." Chloe said.

"Thanks. So, what has been going on for the past week here in Smallville?" Lois asked.

"Nothing much really. We did end up catching one of the escapees from the Phantom Zone. Other than that, nothing." Chloe said.

"Good so we didn't miss anything. Not that that is surprising, being that we are talking about Smallville." Lois said.

"Lois, you know a lot of stuff goes on in Smallville. Anyways, how was your training?" Chloe asked.

"I learned a lot and it was actually pretty interesting. If school was like that, I might would have finished college." Lois said.

"You still can if you want to Lois. It's not to late." Chloe said.

"I know. I just don't think that I am going to have the time with my life the way it is right now." Lois said.

"That makes since, so I am going to go and talk to my boss right now and see if there are any jobs open here at the Planet. I will talk to you this afternoon when I get home." Chloe said.

"Come over to the farm. We need to catch up and you know that Clark is the only one who can really cook around here." Lois said.

"Ok, I will see you and Clark for dinner. Bye, Lois." Chloe said.

"Bye, Chloe." Lois said and she hung up the phone.

Just then Clark walked into the house and saw Lois hanging up her phone. He was curious who she had been talking to, but it was really none of his business, so he went to take a quick shower and then was downstairs within a few minutes.

"So, the cold water never really bothered you, did it?" Lois asked.

"No, but I couldn't let you know that at the time." Clark said.

"I guess it doesn't matter to me anymore now either. So, what do we need to do around here? I am kind of bored right now." Lois said.

"I have some ideas of things we can do and being that we don't really get tired we can continue until it is time to cook dinner." Clark said with a smile on his face.

"I like the way you think Smallville. Let's go and see what our limit is." Lois said as she sped upstairs, and they made love for the first time in what was six months for them.

About an hour before Chloe was going to show up for dinner, they both came downstairs to start making dinner. They looked at the clock once they had all the food in the oven cooking and they still had thirty minutes of free time. This made Lois have a mischievous smile on her face.

"What is with the smile Lois?" Clark asked.

"We still have thirty minutes until Chloe gets here and the food is ready. I think we should pick up where we left off a few minutes ago." Lois said as she walked towards the door.

"Lois. That is not the way to the bedroom." Clark said.

"No, it is not. I feel like giving the porch swing a try though." Lois said as she continued to the door and went outside.

Clark was there before she knew it and once, they got their clothes off they were once again making love and somehow, they lost track of time and they heard Chloe's care pulling up the driveway. They sped inside when they saw the car and got dress within seconds.

Chloe got out of the car and walked into the house. When she saw her cousin and best friends, she couldn't help but laugh.

"What are you laughing at Chloe?" Lois asked.

"You two might be fast, but do you think I didn't see what you two were doing on the swing out there?" Chloe asked.

"Sorry about that. I thought we had more time than we did." Clark said.

"I will be scarred for life for seeing what I saw, but you are adults, and it is your choice to do what you want to do." Chloe said.

"Thanks. I think." Lois said.

"So, how about that dinner you invited me over for." Chloe said.

"Right this way." Lois said as she led Chloe into the dining room.

"So, did you find out if there were any openings at the Planet?" Lois asked.

"Yeah, there are actually two openings. I brought two applications if you wanted them. I figured that working at somewhere like the Planet would be good for your other job." Chloe said as she looked at Clark and Lois.

"That might actually be a good idea." Clark said as they all sat down and began to eat and discuss what went on during their training.

A Different CrimsonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora