Chapter 32

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Lois was nervous about what she was about to tell her father. So nervous that she made Clark sit down with the family as well. Clark held her hand and waited to see what was going to happen next.

"Lois, why is it that you never told me that you were meteor infected and were helping the heroes with everything that was going on around Metropolis?" the General asked.

"Well, I know how you are about people taking the law into their own hands so I thought it was best not to say anything. Oh, and I am not exactly meteor infected. There is no way to cure me daddy. Not that I want to be cured." Lois said.

"What do you mean there is no cure? There has to be one." the General said.

"It's complicated, daddy. I don't think I should say anymore than that, but I will tell you that there is no cure for this and I became who I am willingly." Lois said.

"There has to be a cure Lois. These powers are not normal. They could kill you." the General said.

"That has been taken care of as well daddy. I am not having any problems with my health or anything like that." Lois said hoping that her father would let this go now.

"You haven't had any problems yet. It will happen sooner or later." the General said.

This conversation was really starting to get old so Lois looked to Clark who nodded, giving her the permission to tell her father the truth, or at least something close to it.

"Daddy, nothing is going to happen to me because when I got my powers everything within me changed and because of that I am able to handle these powers." Lois said.

"So, what you are saying is that you willingly let someone change you on a cellular level so that you can handle these powers?" the General asked since he had no clue why his daughter would do such a thing.

"I did." Lois said.

"And why would you do that?" the General asked.

"I did it because I like helping people and I also did it because it allows me to be with Clark." Lois said.

"So, you did this for a boy? How long have you had these powers Clark?" the General asked.

"Since I was born sir." Clark said.

"Well, this is a lot to take in. I don't like the idea that you changed yourself for a boy, but Clark does seem to be a good person, so I will go along with it for now." the General said and Lois sighed since she knew this was the best that she would get from her father.

"It must be cool to have powers like yours. I wish I could do something like that, but I know daddy would never let me." Lucy said.

"They do come in handy. I do have to say though, It is good that you are looking to help people, but I think it would be better for you not to have these powers though." Lois said.

"And why would you say that?" Lucy asked because she was actually interested.

"Because a side effect of these powers is that I do not age the same as a normal human would. Therefore, I will live for hundreds of years looking like I am the same age as I am now." Lois said.

"That doesn't seem so bad." Lucy said.

"Well, it will be when you find someone that you want to date and you know that they will die at a young age compared to how long you will live." Lois said.

"So, that is why you got these powers, so that Clark wouldn't outlive you?" the General asked.

"That was a part of it, yes. But for the most part, I wanted to help people like Clark was doing and this was the only way that I could come up with to do that." Lois said.

"I see your point. It would be hard to watch everyone around you die." Lucy said.

"I wouldn't know yet, but I guess I will find out one of these days." Lois said.

"Can you take me flying sometime? I think that would be fun." Lucy asked.

"I will take you for a flight if you promise to stay on the straight and narrow like you are now. Also, if I hear about you acting up, I can be there in less than a minute, so I would not try anything if I were you." Lois said and Lucy nodded.

"I am not that person anymore. So, what is the plan for tonight?" Lucy asked.

"Chloe and Jimmy are coming over and so is Kara. We are going to have one big family dinner." Lois said.

"Sounds like fun. I hope you aren't cooking though." Lucy said and Lois just shook her head because she knew that she couldn't cook but she still didn't like it when people rubbed it in her face.

"No, Clark will be doing the cooking. He has picked up a lot from Mrs. Kent over the years." Lois said.

"Wow, I didn't know you could cook Clark. Seems like you are the full package." Lucy said and Clark smiled at this because it looked like Lois wanted to hit Lucy for flirting with her boyfriend.

"I am not as good as mom by any means, but I do what I can." Clark said.

"Well, you should probably get started Smallville. We don't want to keep the guests waiting too long once they do show up." Lois said and Clark nodded as he went to start cooking in the kitchen.

A couple of hours later Chloe, Jimmy, and Kara arrived and it only took a little longer for Clark to finish the food. They all sat down and had conversations about what they had seen on the news today and it helped the General come to terms with what was going on with his daughter, since he was glad that someone like Chloe was around to help Lois when she needed it by taking care of the comms. The dinner continued to go well and once everyone was done it was time for the guests to leave so that everyone staying at the Kent Farm could get some rest, since two of them had fought a big monster that day.

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