Chapter 2

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In the bedroom chamber of the fortress Lois and Clark were trying to catch their breath after making love for so many times that they lost count. Lois was impressed with her new stamina although she always that she had a lot of it before but now she knows different.

"Jesus Christ, Smallville. I thought I had a lot of stamina before, but I know now that that was nothing." Lois said.

"Yeah, it does come in handy to not be able to get tired. It always helped me to be able to keep up with you. I mean, I don't know how many times I have saved your life since you moved to Smallville." Clark said.

Lois glared at him. "Fine, I will admit that I have the tendency to get into trouble. I won't have to worry about that anymore though." Lois said.

"That is not exactly true. There are things out there that can hurt us." Clark said.

"And what might that be?" Lois said.

"All meteor rock has affects on us. We need to keep as far away from it as we can." Clark said.

"What kind of affects?" Lois asked.

"Green can weaken us and even kill us if we are around, it long enough, red, which affected me last night, causes us to lose our inhibitions and act on anything that we want to, Silver will make us paranoid, and blue will take away our powers when we are near it." Clark said.

"So, I guess I need to get rid of my new lipstick then." Lois said and Clark nodded.

"So Smallville, you told me that you were going to tell me everything that I need to know about you. I think we have had enough distractions for a little while, so let's get started on that story." Lois said.

"Ok, well you know about my planet and why I was sent here. Once I finally got here, I was probably around three. My pod came down with the first meteor shower. I got out of the pod, and I found my parents in their truck which was flipped upside down. They got out and we got home. Lionel helped them adopt me. I don't know much about my younger years; I just know that my speed and strength showed up first. I didn't even know I was not from here until I was a freshman in high school. My x-ray vision and super hearing showed up that year. My heat vision showed up my sophomore year. My super breath just showed up after Dark Thursday. The cause of that was Brainiac who was the one who flew you and mom up here, and Zod, who got out of what is known as the Phantom Zone because I wouldn't do what needed to be done to prevent that from happening. He locked me in the Phantom Zone, and I found my way out with a price. Some of the Phantoms got out because I opened the portal. That is what I am working on right now." Clark said.

"Wow, that's a lot to take in. I can't imagine what it was like for you having to hide your true self for all those years." Lois said.

"It is something that you are going to have to do now as well Lois." Clark said.

"I know. I just want you to know that I am here to help you now. We will find those phantoms and we will put them back in the Phantom Zone." Lois said.

"Thanks Lois. I know I will need all the help I can get." Clark said.

"So, tell me how to use my powers?" Lois said.

"Ok, well you already know how to use the strength and the speed. Those are easy. The x-ray vision, you just need to focus on what you want to see, and you can. The super hearing is tough because when it comes to you, you can hear everything, so you need to learn to turn everything out so that you can only hear what you want to hear. Super breath, you just take a deep breath and blow. I am surprised that you haven't figured out the heat vision yet." Clark said.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Lois asked.

"Have your eyes been burning any tonight?" Clark asked.

A Different CrimsonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora