Chapter 29

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For the last couple of weeks nothing had been going on that needed the Justice League's help, so this allowed Clark and Lois to focus on their work for a while. There wasn't much going on in the city for them to write about either, but Grant did want his three best reporters to go to a party that was being thrown by Oliver Queen.

"Well, this should be fun, watching Ollie act like a drunken playboy and all." Lois said as she and Clark were getting dressed at the farm.

"You know that he doesn't do that anymore. I don't like it that we have to go to this party as much as you do, but it has to do with our job, so we might as well make the most of it." Clark said.

"You're right. Let's get dressed so that we can pick up Chloe and Jimmy and get to the party." Lois said as they both finished dressing and made their way downstairs and out to Lois' car.

. . .

An hour or so later, the four Daily Planet employees arrived at the party and felt really out of place because most of the people there were wearing clothes like they lived on an island and the three reporters and photographer were dressed in suits and dresses.

"Should have known that Ollie would throw a theme party. He could have at least let us know." Lois said.

"Looks like he didn't get the memo himself." Clark said as Oliver walked into the party with a girl on his arm.

"Well let's go over and say hello." Chloe said and the others followed her over.

"Hey guys. Thanks for coming. This event could use the press." Oliver said.

"Happy to. So, who is your friend?" Lois asked.

"This is Stacey. I met her at the Ace of Clubs the other night when I was there. We just kind of hit it off after that." Oliver said.

"Good for you man. It is nice to meet you Stacey." Clark said and all of the friends shook hands with the new woman in Oliver's life.

"So, tell us some about this party so that we can make this article good." Chloe said and Oliver went on to tell the three reporters what the party was for and what it was reporting.

The girls went off to the bar and left the guys to talk. "So, are you interested in that girl or is she just a girl that you brought to a party?" Clark asked Oliver.

"I actually like her. She is the first girl that I have really liked since Lois. I just hope I don't screw this one up too." Oliver said.

"The best way to do that is to tell her the truth when you know for sure that she is the one. Don't do it until then though. That way all of the cards are on the table and you leave the choice up to her. I think that is where you messed up with Lois." Clark said.

"I know that is where I messed up with Lois. She is better off with you though. Especially since she has your powers now." Oliver said.

"You know, I think you and Stacey make a good couple. We should all go out on a triple date sometime." Jimmy said.

"I like the sound of that. She sure looks like she is hitting it off with the girls." Clark said.

"Yeah she does. So, let's go and break that up before she finds out something embarrassing about me from those two." Oliver said and the other two nodded as they made their way to the bar.

. . .

While the guys were talking, the girls were sitting at the bar and talking as well. "So, you and Ollie, huh? He looks happy for the first time in a while. I am glad that he has found you." Lois said.

"Yeah. It surprised me too, but I really do like him. He is different than I thought that he would be." Stacey said.

"I think that has to do with him hanging out with us so much. We don't have money like him, so I think that made him become more like us and be more down to earth than he used to be." Chloe said.

"That makes sense. I mean he is nothing like the tabloids say that he is." Stacey said.

"That's good. If he ever misbehaves, give me a call and I will set him straight for you." Lois said and the girls started laughing at that as the guys showed up.

"So, I think we need to go around and talk to some people so that we can get information for our article. Once we are done with that, we can come back and drink with Oliver and Stacey." Clark said and the reporters left to do their job.

. . .

After the party was over and Clark and Lois had dropped Jimmy and Chloe off at the Talon, they made their way home. When they pulled up in the yard, they saw a vehicle there that they didn't recognize.

"I wonder who that could be?" Clark asked.

"I don't know. I just hope whoever it is isn't going to cause us any trouble." Lois said.

The car was parked and the two heroes got out of the car and the front doors of the other car opened and who got out really surprised Lois.

"Dad, Lucy? What are you two doing here?" Lois asked.

"Well, you know, since I straightened myself out and decided to go to college, I have been doing really well. It is fall break and I have the week off, so I was at dads and then I brought up coming and spending some time with you and dad agreed that was a good idea being that he wanted to try and patch things up with you after how things ended the last time the two of you talked." Lucy said.

"I am happy that you are doing well, Lucy." Lois said and then she looked at the General and asked, "Is what she is saying true?"

"It is. I regret how I treated you the last time we talked and I wanted to try and fix that. I still need to know the information that I asked you about, but I am not going to push it like I did last time." the General said.

"Well in that case, come on in and get comfortable. We can spend some time together before we have to go to bed so we can get up for work in the morning." Clark said as he opened the door and let everyone inside.

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