Chapter 45

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It had now been a month since the heroes had met with Faora and her planting a mole inside of Zod's group. They had found out that Zod was going to try and make a building that would somehow turn the sun red. They had all decided to let the building be built and then they would destroy it, so that Zod would think that his plan had worked and then it would all be taken away from him when he was so close to his goal.

"So, are we really going to wait until the building is complete?" Oliver asked.

"Yeah, I think it is best. If we let him exhaust all of his money, he will not be able to start over. If we go now, when he still has plenty of money, he can start over with just a little bit of his money used." Clark said.

"That is a good point. After that, you can go and talk to the others and try to talk them into living a simple life here or let them know that they will be sent somewhere else if they don't agree to those terms." Lois said.

"I agree. I don't exactly trust these people, but I know some of them are trying to live normal lives and I hope they prove me wrong and can make me trust them." Chloe said.

"How long is it supposed to be before the building is done?" Oliver asked.

"From the way our mole is talking, it should be done in another two to three months." Clark said and Oliver nodded.

"Good. So we have plenty of time to come up with a plan." Oliver said and all of the other members that were either there or on the televisions nodded as they knew that they had plenty of time to stop these people from getting their powers.

"I think that is all we have right now. Is there anything else that we need to discuss while we are all together?" Oliver asked and all of the heroes said no and the ones that were on screens disconnected.

"So, do you guys really trust Faora?" Chloe asked.

"Yeah we do. She is fitting in well here and I don't think she or her group have been causing any problems since they separated from Zod. Zod's minions on the other hand have been trying to cause problems because they are looking for ways to get their powers." Kara said.

"Yeah, I ran up on some of them the other day trying to rob a bank. I think they were trying to get more money so that they could use it to build that building. I don't know that for sure, but that is the only reason that comes to mind for them trying to steal the money." Oliver said.

"Things are really starting to get out of hand with Zod. The sooner we get rid of him the better." Lois said and all of the heroes nodded in agreement.

"We can't exactly prove that it was Zod that sent the men to rob the bank though. If we could, we could send a tip to the MPD and let them know where the mastermind behind the bank robbery is." Oliver said.

"I know. I hope he gets sloppy at some point and gives us the ammo that we need to get him locked up until we can destroy his building. Then we will go to his people again and make one last attempt at getting them to stay here peacefully. If that doesn't work, then we send the ones who are on Zod's side away." Lois said.

"Well, I think we are going to head home. I left mom and dad there with Lucy. Hopefully, Lucy isn't too bored. I think here and mom can find things in common. Not sure about her and dad though." Clark said and Lois and Kara nodded in agreement as they all said their goodbyes and the three Supers flew off the balcony and made their way home.

. . .

When the three heroes walked into the farm house, Lara was sitting in the kitchen waiting for them. "So, how did the meeting go?"

"We now have a plan. If that doesn't work then we will send the ones who are against us away." Clark said and Lara nodded.

She really didn't like the idea of sending people away, but she knew how Zod was and that meant that it was a very good possibility that they would have to send some of these people away.

"So, what is the plan, by the way?" Lara asked.

"We let them finish the building and then we destroy it. If we do it now, Zod will still have plenty of money to start over. If we do it once it is complete, there won't be enough money to rebuild. After we destroy the building, we will go and talk to Zod's followers and give them one more chance to stay here peacefully. If they don't agree then we send them all away." Lois said.

Lara nodded since it was a very good plan. She hoped that some of Zod's people would see the light and turn to their side in the end, but she knew that would be difficult since some of these people trusted Zod more than they did their families.

"Let's hope that they see the light and turn to our side of things." Lara said.

"That is the hope, but we need to prepare ourselves for the fact that they might not change their ways." Kara said.

"I hate the fact that we might have to send some of our people away, but our priority is the planet. We can't keep them here if they are going to try and hurt it." Clark said.

"I know. We will just have to do what we have to do when the time comes. I don't have to like it, but if it is what is best, then I am with you." Lara said and the other three nodded in agreement as they went in the other room and saw that Lucy was trying to explain one of her favorite television shows to Jor-El. They couldn't help but laugh.

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