Chapter 18

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The next week Clark, Lois, and Chloe were back at work after their well deserved long weekend. They didn't have much that they needed to work on for the day so they were just working on their own little articles that they had been putting off since they had a lot of big stories to work on lately. Lois picked up the paper for the morning news cycle and was surprised to see what was on the front page. It looked like her ex-boyfriend was back in town.

"Have a look at this. It looks like Ollie is back in town." Lois said.

"Yeah, he reached out to me the other day, hoping that I would be able to help him out with a couple of things while he was in town. I told him no because I am already being run ragged by the two of you." Chloe said.

"I will go and visit him today. I am now ready to join his team and I am sure that Lois will be willing to as well. What do you say Chloe, you in?" Clark asked.

"If the two of you join, I will join, but not until then." Chloe said.

"I will go with you as well, Clark. I think Ollie will need a show of my powers to believe that I actually have powers." Lois said.

"Well, I guess it is set then. We will all be joining the group that Oliver has been forming." Clark said and the two women nodded in agreement.

. . .

Later that afternoon Clark and Lois were riding up the elevator to Oliver's penthouse so that they could let him know that they would be finally joining his team. On the way up, Lois started to get a little nervous since she hadn't seen Oliver since they had broken up, and she also hadn't exactly told Oliver that she was with Clark at this point.

"I am a little nervous. I hope he takes us being together ok." Lois said.

"Oliver will be fine. If he isn't, he will at least be civil and be ok with us being on the team if nothing else." Clark said.

"I hope you are right. So, what is the plan for the rest of the night?" Lois asked.

"After we leave Oliver I think it is a good idea to go out and patrol. We let people think we were gone for a while, now it is time to show them that we are back." Clark said.

"Exactly what I was thinking. You know, I think since I received my powers, we have been even more in sync than we used to be." Lois said.

"I think you are right. I like it though. It means that we always know what the other is thinking, and that definitely helps in a fight." Clark said.

"That it does. Well, we are almost to the penthouse. Let's get this over with." Lois said as she steeled her nerves so that she could talk to Oliver for the first time in a while.

. . .

As the elevator door opened Oliver was standing there waiting for them. He had a smile on his face when he saw Lois. Lois noticed this and smiled back at Oliver.

"So, I was expecting Lois to show up at some point but I wasn't really expecting you tonight Clark. What can I do for you buddy?" Oliver asked.

"I was wondering if that position was still available on your team. I am ready to join now." Clark said.

"What team would that be, Clark?" Oliver asked.

"Don't play stupid Ollie. I know everything. I know that you are the Green Arrow and that Clark has amazing powers that could really help your team." Lois said.

'Wow Clark, never thought you would tell Lois everything. I am impressed." Oliver said.

"Chloe said she was in as well. She just didn't want to join while she was working with me. But now that I am joining, she said she would as well." Clark said.

"That is good. We could use the help with comms." Oliver said.

"Let me guess, you want to join as well?" Oliver asked Lois.

"Damn right I do, but I won't be doing anything with a computer. I will be out there with both of you." Lois said.

"No way in hell is that happening. I know you can fight Lois, but I can't let you out there with just your fighting skills." Oliver said, which made Clark and Lois look at each other and Clark nodded his head.

At that point Lois started to levitate in the air, completely surprising Oliver. "What the hell is going on here?" Oliver asked.

"I have received Clark's powers, which means that I am Kryptonian as well." Lois said.

"How the hell did this happen.? I thought you told me that when humans get your powers, it affects them badly, like it did your father." Oliver said.

"That is the case in most cases, but when the powers are given to someone special, they won't affect that person." Clark said.

"What makes Lois so special? No offense." Oliver said while looking at Lois.

"None taken. It has to do with the fact that I was always fated to get these powers since I met Clark. We are each other's equals. We are each other's one true love." Lois said.

"So, you are one of the others that was written about in the Daily Planet last week. I am impressed. What about the other one who is part of your group? Is she joining as well?" Oliver asked.

"We haven't had a chance to talk to her yet, but I would assume that she would be willing to join as well." Clark said.

"Good. We can use as much help as we can get. So, the two of you? Not that I am surprised. I saw the chemistry the first night I saw the two of you together. I just didn't expect you two to get together this quick." Oliver said.

"It was really quick. Probably like two weeks after you left. It had to do with both of us being hooked on Red K and being the uninhibited versions of ourselves." Lois said.

"I want to hear everything, but first I am here to recruit a new member. Would the two of you like to join me?" Oliver asked.

"Sure. We will join you and then we will go and patrol the city." Clark said as they all left the penthouse to go and recruit the team's newest member.

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