Chapter 21

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Over the next couple of weeks the Justice League had worked on destroying all of the new 33.1 buildings, which was really starting to piss Lex off because he couldn't get anything to use on these heroes that would help him take them down. Lex was sitting at his desk when his assistant walked into his office.

"Mr. Luthor, I think another one of your facilities has been destroyed." The assistant asaid.

Lex stood up and grabbed something from his desk and threw it. He then regained his composure and asked the assistant, "How many facilities do we have left for now, Jessica?"

"We currently have five more left, sir. I will let you know if there are any other complications." Jessica said.

"Thanks Jessica." Lex said as he waved his hand which was meant to dismiss his assistant.

"I just don't know how to stop these people. Their powers are impressive. It would be nice if I could use them but I have to catch them first." Lex said to himself as he sat at his desk thinking.

"I will figure it out, but in the meantime, I need to find a way to stop them from destroying the rest of my facilities." Lex said as he continued thinking.

. . .

"I am glad that we were able to get this bug into Lex's office, that way we will be able to know what he is thinking and we will be that far ahead of him." Oliver said.

"Yeah, that was pretty smart. Anyways, is there anything that we need to know as of right now?" Clark asked.

"Nothing other than the fact that Lex is trying to find a way to stop us, but he is not getting anywhere as of yet." Chloe said.

"Well, that is good. I can't wait until we can actually put him behind bars for everything that he is doing." Lois said.

"You aren't the only one, Lois. It will be fun seeing him there thinking that he will find a way out of it like he always does, but then he finds out that he can't get out of it this time." Clark said.

"How were you ever friends with him, Clark? I just don't understand it." Lois said.

"He has a way of making you think that he is a better person than he is. I don't know how he did it, but once I started to see the real Lex, well you can see what happened then." Clark said.

"I am glad that you are not being snowed over by Lex anymore, Clark. You might actually be taking his side right now if that was the case." Oliver said.

"I could never condone what he is doing right now. It might have taken me a while to see the truth, but I think in the end I would be where I am right now." Clark said.

"I think so too, Clark. You are too good of a person to be on Lex's side with him doing what he is doing." Chloe said.

"Thanks Chloe. So, are there any facilities that we need to hit today?" Clark asked.

"Not today. It will probably be a while anyways, because none of the places are operational right now." Chloe said.

"Good. I am looking forward to having a night off." Lois said and the others that were there nodded in agreement.

"So, what do you have in mind Ms. Lane?" Clark asked.

"I was thinking that we should have a date night since it has been a while since we have had one of those." Lois said.

"Is that code for the two of you are going to have sex tonight?" Oliver asked.

"Among other things. Haha. But seriously though, I was really talking about a date night." Lois said.

"Good to know. So, how about we head home. I have a date with Jimmy as well." Chloe said.

"Ok, let's talk again tomorrow night and see if anything is pressing that we need to work on." Oliver said and the others nodded as they left Oliver's penthouse to go home and get ready for their dates.

. . .

"I am glad that we got to do this. It has been a few weeks since we have been able to go out on a date. The drawbacks of the hero's life, I guess." Lois said.

"Yeah, at least I get to tell you who I am though. This is why I had such a hard time being with Lana." Clark said.

"Why couldn't you tell her about yourself? I always wondered about that." Lois said.

"I guess deep down I never really trusted her. I don't know why, but I just didn't think that she could take my secret." Clark said.

"Well, I am glad that things turned out the way that they did. So, how about we start this date night off with a movie and call in some takeout." Lois said.

"You read my mind. I will go and pick up the food while you get the movie ready to go." Clark said.

"Sounds good. I will call in the food. Give it a few minutes before you leave though." Lois said.

"I will give it fifteen minutes. So, what are your thoughts on the story that we are writing on Lex right now? I am surprised he asked us to write it." Clark said.

"I am surprised too. I guess that he knows that we are good and he wants the best to write the story." Lois said.

"I guess that is what he is doing. I wouldn't be surprised if he has the whole thing scrapped once we are done with it though." Clark said.

"You know that there is no way that he can do that unless he buys the Daily Planet. I bet that is what he will do. We might need to talk to Oliver and see if he can help us out there." Lois said.

"That is actually a smart move. Have Oliver buy the Daily Planet so that there is no way that Lex can buy it. If Lex were to buy it, we would never be able to write the stories that we do now." Clark said.

"Then, all the more reason to have Oliver buy it so that we never have to deal with that." Lois said and Clark nodded in agreement as they made plans to talk to Oliver about this and then they got back to their date night.

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