Chapter 10

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Lois and Clark were finally able to find time to go out on their double date with Chloe and Jimmy. They decided that they would just stay in Metropolis after work and go to the Italian restaurant that they had all heard about. Now that they were at the restaurant and had been seated, they started up a conversation. Lois and Clark decided the night before that if they got the right answers from Jimmy, that they were going to tell him their secret, since Chloe was getting really close to him.

"So, Jimmy, have you been hearing about the two heroes that are going around saving people?" Lois asked.

"Yeah, I like how they seem to be giving the people of this city hope. It has been a while since anyone has been able to do that." Jimmy said.

"What would you say to working with Chloe and getting pictures for her article on them?" Clark asked.

"That would be great, but how is Chloe even going to talk to them in order to get an article about them? They don't exactly stick around at the place that they have been to get interviewed." Jimmy said.

"That's a good point. Well, we will tell you how that is going to happen if you promise to keep it a secret." Lois said.

"You have my word. This article will be so big that we don't want someone else to get it first and if I tell anyone I am sure they will go to someone else." Jimmy said.

"I don't think you have to worry about that. They trust Chloe, so no one else will get the article." Lois said.

"Why would they not come to the two of you for the article? You two are very good as well." Jimmy asked.

"Well, the answer to that is, because it would be a conflict of interest." Clark said.

"How is that? Do you know them or something?" Jimmy asked.

"Yeah, we do. We have met before." Clark said.

"Wow, that must have been awesome. So, just meeting them once wouldn't count as a conflict of interest." Jimmy said.

"Well, we know them personally." Lois said.

"Oh, ok. So, back to how Chloe is going to get this meeting with them." Jimmy said.

"Well, she is going to get the interview because they trust her, and she knows them as well." Lois said.

"Ok, but wouldn't that be a conflict of interest as well?" Jimmy asked.

"No, she doesn't know them the way the Clark and I do." Lois said.

"That makes since." Jimmy said.

"Jimmy, you have to keep all of this a secret ok, the meeting and everything." Clark said.

"I understand CK." Jimmy said.

"Ok, well here goes nothing. Jimmy, the reason we can't do the article is because it will be to bias if the two of us wrote it being that we would be talking about ourselves." Lois said.

"Wait a minute. Are you saying that you two are the heroes that are zooming around the city and saving people?" Jimmy asked.

"Yep. That is what we are telling you, and you can't tell anyone." Clark said.

"Your secret is safe with me CK, but why tell me now?" Jimmy asked.

"Because you are getting really close to Chloe and would hate if she had to lie to you to keep our secret. We knew that this day would come sooner or later, but we had to be sure before we told you." Clark said.

"So, that's where you are going all the time. You are going to help them?" Jimmy asked.

"Yeah, I have been helping Clark for a while. It is a new development for Lois though." Chloe said.

"Oh, you mean that she just got infected with the meteor rocks?" Jimmy asked.

"No, Lois and I are a bit different. We will explain more when we are in private. Don't want people to overhear our biggest secret." Clark said.

"That makes since. So, when are we working on the interview?" Jimmy asked.

"Well, we are all off tomorrow because it is the weekend. We figured that would be a good time to do the interview, unless something comes up that needs our help." Lois said.

"Sounds good. But why do you need me to take pictures? No one has ever seen your faces." Jimmy said.

"That is the purpose of the article. It is pretty much our coming out party. We are going public." Lois said.

"But what if someone recognizes you?" Jimmy asked.

"Haven't you been wondering why they have been acting so weird lately? All the clumsiness, wearing the glasses?" Chloe asked.

"Yeah, it has been weird, but let me guess, if you act like you are ordinary, no one will think twice to look at you as the new heroes." Jimmy said.

"You catch on quickly Jimbo. You are exactly right." Lois said.

"So, that is enough of this. The waiter will be here soon, and we don't need to be talking about this when he gets here." Chloe said.

"Yeah, I guess you are right." Jimmy said.

Not long after that the waiter did come and took their orders and then they had just a normal conversation. They got their food and ate it in companionable silence. After the meal they got dessert and then they got the bill and headed home.

Everything had gone good with telling Jimmy their secret. They knew that they could trust him with everything, and he would probably be a good member of their team just like Chloe was. They also needed to talk to Oliver sometime after all the Zoners had been taken care of so that they could be a part of this team that he was building. It was after all their job to save the world and what way was better to do that then to join a team that was doing the same thing. It just made since, and it would also let Oliver know that Lois was taken and there was no reason for him to try and come back for her.

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