Chapter 19

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Clark and Lois were now with Oliver as they were trying to find the person that would be the new recruit for the Justice League. Oliver knew that it was a woman with short blonde hair and a mask of some sort that they were looking for. From what he had heard, this woman had a power that had to do with a sonic scream of some sort.

"So, what exactly are we looking for here, Ollie?" Lois asked.

"All I know is that it is a woman with short blonde hair and a black suit with a mask of some sort. She might also have some sort of a sonic scream." Oliver said.

"Sounds interesting. That might cause problems if we are around when she uses the scream though." Clark said.

"Why is that?" Oliver asked.

"It would really hurt with our super hearing." Lois said.

"I guess that makes sense. I never really thought about that. Hopefully that won't come into play tonight." Oliver said.

"I guess that the only way that will happen is if she thinks we are there to hurt her in some way, which we are not." Clark said.

"Do you know where we are supposed to find this woman?" Lois asked.

"No. I don't know where to find her. I have just heard rumors about her around the city." Oliver said.

"Ok, so should we split up and try to find her?" Lois asked.

"That might be a good idea. Let's meet up at the penthouse in two hours." Oliver said as Lois and Clark nodded and took off into the sky.

. . .

Lois happened to be the one who found the woman. The woman was in an alley attacking a group of thugs that had been about to rob a woman. Lois decided that she would go down and help the woman out. When the fight was over, the two women turned to look at each other and the new woman was in awe because she had only heard of the other woman from the newspaper and didn't know for sure if the article was real or not.

"Ok, so that article was real then?" the woman asked.

"Yeah it is real. A group of friends and I have been looking for you. We have this group of heroes that gets together when things go really bad and we would like you to join." Lois said.

"I am not really a team player. I do better by myself." the woman said.

"I used to say that same thing about myself, but then I started to work with people with similar powers to mine and I found out that I do better in a group setting then I thought I would." Lois said.

"I guess I can give it a try. When do I meet up with this group?" the woman asked.

"We will meet two of the others tonight. I hope you know that as a sign of trust you will have to reveal your identity though." Lois said.

"I figured as much and it makes sense. If you can't reveal your identity to the people you work with, there is no point in joining." the woman said.

"So, I am going to tell the others that I have found you, then we will go and meet them." Lois said as she got into contact with Oliver and Clark and they told her to meet them on the roof of the Daily Planet.

. . .

Once the four of them were on the roof of the Daily Planet, the group introduced themselves. They found out that the new woman's name was the Black Canary, which made since with all of the black clothes and also with the sonic scream which she called her Canary Cry.

"So, what do I call you three?" Black Canary asked.

"I am Superman, she is Superwoman, and that is Green Arrow." Clark said.

"It is nice to meet you guys. I have been keeping up with you through the papers." Black Canary said.

"Good to know that we have a following." Oliver said with a smirk.

"Ok, so I guess we should all tell each other our real identities." Lois said.

"I will start. I am Oliver Queen." Oliver said as he removed his hood and sunglasses.

"I will go next since I am the new girl. Dinah Lance." Dinah said.

"What? Are you serious? I changed my mind. I can't work with her." Lois said.

"Why not Superwoman?" Oliver asked.

"I know her and we don't get along as it is." Lois said.

"Well, how about we see who you are and then I will know whether I can work with you." Dinah said.

"Fine." Lois said as she removed her mask and Dinah gasped.

"Seriously. Lois Lane is a hero. Never thought I would see the day, but I think in order to do some good in this city and in the world I would be able to work with you." Dinah said.

"I guess I can give it a chance as well. For the world and all, you know." Lois said and Dinah nodded and they shook hands.

"Good. Now I guess it is my turn. Clark Kent." Clark said and Dinah couldn't help but shake her head. She should have known that the superpowered duo were Clark Kent and Lois Lane.

"So, what do we do now boss?" Dinah asked Oliver.

"Give everyone any phone numbers that you have so that we can get in touch with you when we need you. We don't have any missions right now, so there is nothing for us to do right now, so you are free to go." Oliver said.

"Well, I think we are going out on patrol. We will be in touch Oliver." Clark said.

"Come back by the penthouse tomorrow with Chloe. We need to get everything set up for her." Oliver said.

"Ok, we will be there. We might bring Kara as well. I am sure she will want to join once she finds out that we have." Clark said.

"I look forward to meeting her. I will see the both of you tomorrow." Oliver said as Clark and Lois took off flying into the night sky.

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