Chapter 25

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Lex was now on his way to Germany so he could find the way to control the Traveler. If he was able to do this, he would be able to do anything that he wanted and no one would be able to stop him because he had a super powered alien at his beck and call. He couldn't help but smile to himself because he knew he was about to get what he wanted for all of his life. The ability to be able to run the world because no one would be able to stop him.

Once the plane landed Lex got in the limo that was there waiting for him and headed to the bank so that he could get the contents that were inside the lock box. Lex walked in the bank and gave a smile to the woman who was going to be waiting on him. "So, what is it that I can help you with today, Mr. Luthor?" the banker asked.

"I am here for the contents that are in the lock box that this key unlocks." Lex said.

"Ok, let me see the key so we can bring the lock box out to you." the banker said and Lex handed over the key.

"There seems to be a problem here, Mr. Luthor. This lock box needs to have two keys in order to be opened. The other problem is that someone came in the other day and got the contents of the lock box and left." the banker said.

"Who was it that took the contents that were in the lock box if you don't mind me asking?" Lex asked, starting to get mad because his plan was not working out the way that he had hoped that it would.

"Let me look that up for you, sir. It looks like it was checked out by Oliver Queen. Do you know him?" the banker asked.

"Yes, I do know him. We are old family friends. Thank you for your time. I am sorry to have wasted it." Lex said as he turned to leave the bank.

"How the hell did Oliver know anything about this stuff?" Lex asked himself as he got in the limo and told the driver to head back to the airport. There was no reason for him to stay in Germany when the reason he was here was already gone.

. . .

Back in the United States, the heroes were all in Oliver's apartment getting a briefing from Dinah. "So, to sum this all up, Lex is in Germany looking for the orb, and he has no idea that he is too late."

"I would give anything to see the look on his face when he finds out that someone had already taken everything that was in the lock box." Oliver said.

"You aren't the only one. The only problem is that he probably knows that you are the one who had been there and got the contents." Lois said.

"I think that he will probably send some of his people after you to get the contents when he gets back home. We will all have to keep an eye on this place in case he tries something like that." Clark said and the rest of the heroes nodded in agreement.

"At least we know that the orb is safe and the only way that he will be able to get his hands on it is if he somehow finds a way up there." Oliver said.

"That is a good thing. So, what is our next play?" Dinah asked.

"You go back to your undercover operation and give us all the information that we need. There is not much to do here today, so I think it would be a good idea for us to take the night off and only go out if we need to." Oliver said.

"Sounds like a plan. We will see you guys later." Lois said as she grabbed Clark's hand and dragged him out of the apartment so that they could get him and relax for the first time in weeks.

. . .

Once Lois and Clark got home, Clark turned to Lois and asked, "So, what do you want to do tonight?"

"I was thinking that we could watch a movie and then maybe we could play some guitar hero. It has been a while since we have done that." Lois said.

"Yeah, now it will be more of an even fight since you have the same powers that I do." Clark said.

"What are you talking about, Smallville. I always beat you." Lois said.

"Lois, I always let you win. It would have been unfair of me to use my superspeed now wouldn't it." Clark said.

"I guess you have a point. So, this time we will be evenly matched. I can't wait to see who is better." Lois said.

"Yeah, this should be fun. So, do you want to watch the movie first?" Clark asked.

"That would be nice. It would allow us to relax before we start with the real fun." Lois said.

"What do you want to watch?" Clark asked.

"Die Hard, of course. You know that it is my favorite." Lois said.

"Do you know all of the lines in that movie yet? You would think that you would with how much you have watched it." Clark said.

"I do know a lot of the lines. So, let's get started with the movie. I need to give you an ass whooping in guitar hero." Lois said.

"You wish Lois. I guess we will finally see who is the best." Clark said.

"Yes, we will. Do you want to make a wager on it?" Lois said.

"Ok, so what are your terms?" Clark asked.

"I will do anything that you want me to do for the next week if you win." Lois said.

"Sounds interesting. Ok, and if you win, I will do all of your chores around here for the next week." Clark said.

"I like the sound of that. So, let's watch the movie and then we can get to your ass whooping." Lois said and they both laughed as they watched the movie. Later on they played guitar hero and Clark did end up winning and he then took advantage of the wager as he and Lois went up to the bedroom to have some more fun.

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