Chapter 39

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It had been a week since Clark, Lois, Kara, and John Jones had taken care of Doomsday by throwing him into the sun. Everything had been pretty quiet since then and that was bothering the heroes because they knew that when things were quiet that things could change really quickly and go very badly.

"I don't like this, Lois. It is too quiet out there. I have a bad feeling that something bad is coming." Clark said.

"I know what you mean. All we can do is go out there and help the people that are in need of help right now and when something happens we will deal with it then." Lois said.

"True. So, what are your thoughts for the night?" Clark asked.

"Not much. I am really feeling like staying in tonight. With everything with Doomsday and work, I think we could really use some time off." Lois said.

"Sounds good to me. Let's get some takeout and then we can watch a movie or something." Clark said.

"I like that idea, Smallville. You go and get the food. I will get everything ready for the movie." Lois said and Clark nodded as he sped toward the Chinese place that was in Smallville while Lois picked a movie and made sure that everything was ready for after they finished eating.

. . .

Meanwhile, in Metropolis, Zod and his followers were in a warehouse where all of them had been staying for the past week. Zod didn't seem happy that his troops could find out how to find these heroes known as Superman, Superwoman, and Supergirl. How hard was it to find people that were wearing the symbol for the House of El. He needed to find these people because they were obviously kin to Jor-El and they had found a way to have powers where none of Zod's troops did.

"We need to find these people as soon as possible. They have powers and we should have them as well. We need our powers so that we can take over this planet and create a new Krypton." Zod said to his followers.

"We have found out a few things about them, sir, even if those things have not led us to their base of operations." one troop said.

"And that would be?" Zod asked.

"One of them seems to be Kara-Zor-El. The man seems to resemble Jor-El when he was young, so it must be his offspring. We don't know anything about the woman known as Superwoman though." the troop said.

"It is good to have that information. We need to find a way to bring them out so that we can see how they got their powers. I am thinking that since they seem to love these humans so much, we need to use them to get to these other Kryptonians." Zod said.

"So, you want us to use humans as bait?" another troop asked.

"Yes. It is the fastest way to get the heroes' attention." Zod said as all of the troops kneeled before him.

. . .

Zod had left the warehouse to find something that he could use for bait. He found a little girl on a playground and lured her over to him with a piece of candy. Once she was close enough, Zod grabbed her and made his way back to the warehouse. Zod had been watching these humans for the past week and he knew that this little girl was going to be the perfect bait because he doesn't want to save a little kid.

The girl was screaming for her parents. She didn't know what happened other than the fact that this man had taken her and she didn't like him. The noise from the girl was starting to bother Zod, so he just went to another area of the warehouse. Soon there was a noise and Zod turned around to see the three heroes entering the warehouse and untying the girl.

"Well, if it isn't the heroes that I have been looking for." Zod said as he made himself known to the heroes.

"Who are you and why would you take this little girl?" Superman asked.

"It was the only way to get your attention. I see you are all members of the House of El. I am Zod. We were released from an orb when you killed the monster known as Doomsday. We do not have our powers, but for some reason you do. I would like to know how to acquire them." Zod said.

"I wouldn't know why you don't have powers. We get ours from the yellow sun. Obviously that isn't working for you. I don't know how to help you, Zod." Superman said.

"This is quite unfortunate. I was hoping that you had the same problem as my troops and I are having. I guess that is not the case." Zod said.

"Sorry we couldn't help. What are your intentions here?" Superwoman asked.

"We just want our powers, like you have." Zod said.

"Would you use them to help people or try to overpower this world?" Supergirl asked.

"I would use them to help. That is all I have ever wanted to do." Zod said, but the heroes could tell by his heart beat that he was lying.

"Well, all we can tell you for now is that you just need to try and blend in with the humans. You might find that you like human life better than life with powers." Superman said.

"That will not work for us, Superman. Either you help us gain our powers or we will find a way to get them and when we do, you won't like what we do." Zod said.

"All the more reason to keep you from ever getting powers. We can't let you destroy this world, and that is exactly what will happen if you ever do get powers." Supergirl said.

"You will pay for this. When we finally do get our powers, there is no way that the three of you will be able to stop us." Zod said.

"I guess we'll just have to see if that day ever comes." Superwoman said and she looked at the two other heroes who nodded and grabbed the girl and they flew out of the building leaving a very mad Zod behind.

"I will make you pay Superman. Just wait and see." Zod said he turned to go and talk to his troops.

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