Chapter 42

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After talking and getting to know each other, the girls took Lara out shopping so that she could buy some clothes that looked more like people on earth would wear. Clark stayed behind so that he could do some chores on the farm and make sure that everything was ready for the next day so that he could spend time with his mother. When Clark went back into the house and sat down to get something to eat, there was a knock at the door.

Clark went to answer the door and saw that it was a man with gray hair standing there. "Can I help you?" Clark asked.

"Yes, my name is Jor-El. I am here to drop something off for safe keeping. I have been keeping track of things and I know that someone from the House of El lives here." Jor-El said.

Clark was stunned for a second and couldn't believe that he was meeting both of his parents on the same day. "I am your son, Kal-El. Come in. Mom was just here. She went out with the others to get some earth clothes as she called them." Clark said as he let his father into the house.

"I don't understand. I didn't even know that I had a son." Jor-El said as he sat down in the living room with Clark.

"From what Mom said, you made the orb before you had me. I was born a couple of years after the orb was made according to her." Clark said.

"Ok, that makes sense. So, your mother is here. That is good. I have this disk to give to you. It will send Zod and all of us that were in the orb to a new world. I didn't know that there were going to be other Kryptonians on earth. I am not sure how the disk will affect you." Jor-El said.

"We have a way to render ourselves human. That won't be a problem. I would like you and Mom to stay though." Clark said.

"Your mother and I will talk about that. I think we would be willing to stay behind. At least for a while anyways. It would be nice to get to know my son. By the way, who are the other Kryptonians that are heroes along with you?" Jor-El asked.

"One of them is Kara, your niece and the other is my girlfriend, Lois Lane. She was human until the fortress turned her into a Kryptonian so that we could be together forever and have children if we wish to." Clark said.

"I guess it is a good thing that Kara didn't turnout like her father. I look forward to seeing her again. I also look forward to getting to know this girl that you want to spend the rest of your life with. Maybe someday you could take me to this fortress of yours. I bet it looks a lot like home." Jor-El said.

"From what I know it does. I just wish the Jor-El there was as nice and caring as you seem to be." Clark said.

"I am sure I set up the fortress to be there for knowledge and training, and not for it to be loving. If you have completed your training I will be happy to try and change the setting a bit so that he is not as hard on you." Jor-El said.

"Lois and I both have finished our training. I will take you there when we go and use the disk to send the other Kryptonians away." Clark said and Jor-El nodded.

"Very good. I will try to see if there is anything I can do when we are up at your fortress." Jor-El said as the two continued to talk and get to know each other.

. . .

When the ladies got home they saw that another guest had arrived. When the man turned around Lara ran up to him and said, "Oh thank Rao. I didn't know if you put any of your DNA in the orb as well."

The two embraced and then Jor-El said, "I didn't have a choice. It was one of the requirements of the council when they made me make the orb."

"Well, I am glad that you are here and it seems that you have already met our son. I am sure you remember Kara, our niece, and this is Lois Lane, Kal-El's girlfriend." Lara said as she introduced everyone.

"It is nice to see you again, Kara. I will try not to hold my bad feelings toward your father against you. It is very nice to meet you as well, Ms. Lane. I look forward to getting to know you." Jor-El said.

"Thank you Uncle. I will do my best to prove to you that I am on your side from here on out." Kara said.

"I look forward to getting to know you too, sir." Lois said.

Now everyone sat down and started to carry on conversations to get to know each other better. They all had a lot of laughs, especially when Kara would tell them stories about when Kal-El was a baby on Krypton. Not that there was much to tell being that he was still very young when the two of them were sent to earth. Lois would tell them stories of her time with Clark before they found Kara.

"Yeah, I always thought we didn't get along with each other, but now I think we were just flirting with each other in our own special way." Lois said.

"So, is it really true that Lois found you naked?" Lara asked as she couldn't keep the smile off of her face.

"Unfortunately, but I did end up getting her back though." Clark said with a smile as well.

"Yeah, he did. I thought you were just being jealous of that guy I was dating, but you were right. He was a hitman." Lois said.

"You didn't believe me until he almost killed me." Clark said.

"No, I didn't. Although, when Chloe and I found you, I was so scared that I was going to lose you. I know I didn't show it, but that really threw me for a loop." Lois said.

"Nice to know that you cared back then." Clark said and he had to laugh at that because he knew that Lois cared even if she acted like she didn't.

The group continued to exchange stories for the rest of the night until it was time to go to sleep for the night. All of them were very happy to have each other in their lives.

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