Chapter 13

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Now that Clark and Lois were able to act as a couple at work everything was a lot easier for them, and Lois liked the fact that the men in the office didn't hit on her anymore and she also liked the fact that the women wouldn't hit on Clark anymore as well. Chloe, Clark, and Lois were now working on their story for the new Warrior Angel movie that was being taped at the farm. None of them were big fans of comic books because they were pretty much living the lives of people in the comic books anyways. It was interesting to see what went into making a movie though.

The star of the movie was a beautiful woman and she seemed to have a thing for Clark, and this was really starting to get to Lois, even though she knew that Clark would never cheat on her with this other woman. It just got on her nerves how this woman was always hanging on Clark. She was doing a good job of covering it up except when it was just Chloe and Clark around.

"I don't like the way that girl looks at you Smallville. It just isn't right for her to be looking at you like that when she knows that you are with me." Lois said.

"Is that jealousy that I am sensing Lois. Never thought I would see the day." Chloe said.

"I am not jealous. What do I have to be jealous of anyways? I already have my man. I just don't like her hitting on my man is all." Lois said.

"Lois, you do know that you don't have anything to worry about, right? I would never leave you. We are technically married by Kryptonian law anyways. But if it bothers you that much, I will stay away from her." Clark said.

"No need for that, Clark. I just had to let that out is all. I am secure in the knowledge that you will never leave me for another woman. So, what do we have for the story so far?" Lois asked.

"Well, a lot of the story has to do with our opinion on how this is going and what people think in Smallville about a movie being taped here. The other part that we need to do is get interviews with the cast and crew about what it was like to work here, and some looks at what we might see in the movie. We also need to get some behind the scenes stuff, which is why Jimmy is here to get pictures of anything interesting going on." Chloe said.

"So, how are we going to break this up? I was thinking I would do the interviews with the cast and crew, Clark being that he was from Smallville could interview the people of the town, and Chloe, you can work on the behind-the-scenes stuff with Jimmy." Lois said.

"I think that sounds good. So, let's go and get this article started so that we can get it in the paper as soon as possible." Chloe said.

. . .

Clark made his way into town to talk to people who were at the Talon. It was a good place to start with the interview of the town's people. So, he spent most of his day there and talked to most of the people who walked in and found out that most of the people liked the idea that their little town was put on the map by being used to film a big-time movie. When he was done, he went back to the farm to see how the other two were doing with their parts of the article.

When he got back to the farm, he had heard that something went wrong and the car that the star of the movie was driving would have crashed if it weren't for Lois saving her life. This made the two Kryptonians think that they would have to watch out for things on the set, because it looked like someone was trying to kill the lead actress.

"So, other than having to save someone, how is your part of the story going?" Clark asked.

"It is going good. I am pretty much done with what I have to do, and I think Chloe is about done too. How about you? How did it go with the town's people?" Lois asked.

"It went good. I got lots of quotes from people at the Talon. I think we are just about ready to put this story together and turn it in." Clark said.

"I agree. I do think we should wait for a little while though. If someone is really trying to screw up this movie by killing someone, it might be good for the story as well." Lois said.

"That makes sense, but I do hope that we are wrong about this." Clark said.

"Me too honey. I guess it is good that two invincible people are here." Lois said.

"Yeah, I guess you are right." Clark said.

. . .

The next day the three reporters found out that there was something going on with the movie and that someone was really trying to kill the lead actress of the movie. This caused Clark and Lois to go around and check all the props with their speed and they found that one of the guns was loaded with live rounds. They switched the bullets out and kept the actress safe. Later, they ended up finding out that the guy that was trying to kill the lead actress was on the crew. The guy was in the perfect position to sabotage anything on the set so that the actress would be killed. They found the guy at his hotel room and found the evidence so that he would go away for a long time.

Once they were done catching the attempted murderer, they wrote up the story and added the past about there being a murder plot into it. To say that Grant was pleased with the story would be an understatement. If he could, he would have promoted the three reporters right now but that would look bad on his part since two of them hadn't been on the job for a couple of months.

"Damn, I thought Grant was going to promote us right then and there." Lois said.

"Me too, but I do understand why he didn't. It would have looked bad to send two new employees upstairs this soon after they had been hired." Clark said.

"Yeah, that is a good point. So, we don't have much to work on right now other than fluff pieces. I say let's go and celebrate our big story that we just got published." Chloe said.

"I agree. Although alcohol doesn't work on me anymore. That is the one disadvantage to these powers." Lois said.

"But you love them otherwise." Chloe said.

"Damn right I do. It is great having superspeed and the heat vision comes in handy when my food or coffee gets cold." Lois said and all of them laughed.

"So, how about we go out and do that celebrating that we were talking about a few minutes ago." Clark said and the other two nodded as they all gathered up their things and went to get Jimmy since he was part of the story as well, and then they left to go and celebrate.

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