Chapter 47

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It has been four months since Clark and Lois had their interview with Zod and the building was just about complete. Clark had been told by Faora that the building would become operational by the end of the week. That means that it was time for part of their plan to happen, which would be taking down the building. For right now though, Clark and Lois were spying on Zod so that they knew when he wasn't around so that they could go in and talk to the rest of Zod's followers.

They saw him leave one day and they knew that this was their chance. They snuck into the warehouse that Zod and his people were using and then they made it to the center of the room, they got everyone's attention.

"Kal-El, what are you doing here?" one of Zod's people asked.

"We are here to talk to all of you. We were hoping to try and see if any of you were willing to join the outside world just as Faora and her people." Clark said.

"We are loyal followers of Zod. You are wasting your time here, Kal-El." another person said.

"Well, if any of you choose to follow us out of here, we will be happy to help you integrate." Clark said as he and Lois turned to leave.

It turned out that about five or six of the one hundred people decided to leave with Clark and Lois. Clark handed them all a lead case and told them to keep that near them at all times. It was a piece of Blue K for all of them.

"We will take you guys to meet up with Faora. You will find that it is easy to become part of this world, and if you ever need any help, I will be here for you." Clark said as they led the group of people to where Faora and her people were staying.

Once they dropped the people off, they met up with the rest of the team to discuss what to do now. Clark knew that the time had come to destroy the building, but he wanted to make sure there was nothing else that needed to be done before that.

"I think we have done everything that we can, Smallville. It is time to execute our plan." Lois said.

"Lois is right, Kal-El. The three of us need to take down that building tonight." Kara said and Clark nodded knowing that the two women were right.

"Ok. We have done everything that needs to be done. We will take the building down tonight." Clark said and everyone nodded in agreement.

"Then after that, you can go to the fortress and use the key to send Zod and those who still follow him away." Oliver said.

"Yeah, that is the plan, but I am thinking about sending my mom and dad to do that. Lois, Kara and I need to be here to take down the building." Clark said and Oliver nodded in agreement since it was a better plan.

"Well, let's get everything together so that we can finish this tonight." Lois said and the team went to do just that.

. . .

Jor-El and Lara were now up at the fortress waiting for their son to give them the go ahead to use the disc to send Zod and his followers away. "Do you think this is all going to work out?" Lara asked.

"It is a good plan. I think it will succeed." Jor-El said.

"I hope so." Lara said as she waited with her husband for everything in the plan to start.

While they were in the fortress, Clark, Lois, and Kara were getting into position so that they could burn this building down to the ground. Once the three of them knew that everything was ready to go, all of their eyes turned red and then the beams of heat vision were sent toward the building from three different directions. It didn't take long for the building to crumble up the intense heat that they were sent its way.

"Well, that wasn't as hard as I thought it was going to be." Lois said through the comms.

"Chloe, send a message to my parents and let them know that it is time. Let Faora know as well. We don't need anyone being sent away that wants to stay here and live peacefully." Clark said.

"Making the calls now." Chloe said through the comms.

"Everything is set. Jor-El is about to insert the disk into the console. Make sure you have your Blue K." Chloe said.

"The three of us are ready Chloe. Thanks for the heads up." Lois said as they waited to see if the second part of their plan was going to work.

They looked down and saw that Zod was standing there looking at his failed creation. He looked up and saw the three of them on the building nearby.

"You have destroyed everything. Why wouldn't you want my people and I to have powers." Zod yelled up to them.

"We couldn't let you get powers, Zod. All you care about is power, and because of that you would try to take over this world instead of working with the people here to make it a better place." Clark yelled back.

"These people need a leader and I was going to take that role. They need to be ruled." Zod said.

"No they don't. That is the thing about this planet. It is a place for freedom. They don't need someone to come in and tell them what to do. You would end up losing them anyway, because after a while they will rebel against you and overthrow you because they are used to being free." Clark said.

"Well I guess we will never know now would we." Zod said and all of a sudden a beam of light encircled him and he was teleported away.

"I guess it worked then. Let's make our way back to the group. Chloe, tell my parents to leave the disk in for a while and make sure that all of them are gone. Tell Faora to not put their Blue K away yet either. We are making our way back to you now." Clark said and Chloe did as she was told and relayed the messages.

Zod was gone and hopefully he would never find his way back, but if he somehow found a way to get back to earth, the heroes would be ready for him.

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