Chapter 30

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As it turned out, Lois had called her editor to see if she and Clark could work from home since she had family in and he was nice enough to let them do that, which is what led to Clark being out in the barn working on the tractor. He noticed that someone was coming into the barn so he turned around to see the General standing there.

"Can I help you with something, sir?" Clark asked.

"No. I was just coming out here to take a walk and I saw that you were working on the tractor, so I thought I would see how you were doing." the General said.

"Everything is fine. I have to fix this thing every so often. I should probably buy a new one but for sentimental reasons I can't get rid of it." Clark said.

"That makes sense. It reminds you of your father." the General said.

"Yeah, It does." Clark said as he went back to work.

"Clark, I was wondering if there was anything else that I could do for Lois that would get her to stop being cold towards me?" the General asked.

"All I can say is for you to be there for her. She loves you, but from what she says you try to push her too much sometimes. Just let her do her own things and she will forgive you in time." Clark said.

"I know I need to stop the way that I have been doing things with her, but as a matter of National Security, I need to know who these new, so-called heroes are." the General said.

"I understand that sir, but my advice still stands. Don't push it while you are here and she might tell you when it is time for you to leave." Clark said.

"You think that could work?" the General asked.

"There is only one way to find out." Clark said and the General nodded as he went for his walk.

. . .

While the men had been out in the barn talking, Lois and Lucy were hanging out in the house watching television. Lois was trying to work on an article as well, but it wasn't going so well at the moment.

"So, how long did your boss let you have off?" Lucy asked.

"He said that we could have the week off as long as we did some work." Lois said.

"So, I wanted to apologize to you for what I did the last time I was here. I am surprised that Lex didn't try to come after you for what I did." Lucy said.

"At that point Lex was still trying to be Clark's friend, so in return for his friendship Lex decided to not come after me because Clark asked." Lois said.

"So, Clark is even hotter now than he was the last time I saw him. At that point you both hated each other though. What changed there?" Lucy asked.

"I think we were always attracted to each other. It just took one night and we both realized what we meant to each other." Lois said, thinking of the night that she and Clark had been affected by the red k.

"Sounds romantic. You didn't sleep with him after the first date did you?" Lucy asked and Lois blushed a bit from that question.

"You did, didn't you?" Lucy asked as she laughed at Lois' red face.

"No. I didn't sleep with him after the first date." Lois said which was technically true.

"Why are you blushing so much then?" Lucy asked.

"Because I slept with him before our first date." Lois said and Lucy stopped laughing as her jaw fell open in surprise.

"Seriously? Why would you do that?" Lucy asked.

"Because I think all the fighting that we had done over the years actually was foreplay. It just happened so fast and all of a sudden we were in the middle of the action and there was no stopping it." Lois said.

"He was obviously good if you are still with him." Lucy said.

"The best I have ever had, sis. Now, how about you? You have a boyfriend at school?" Lois asked.

"No, and nice try trying to change the subject on me, but you won't get off that easily. So, Clark is really that good, huh?" Lucy asked.

"He is, and if I see you trying to hit on him I will hurt you." Lois said.

"I won't Lois. I promise." Lucy said.

"Good. So, why don't we go outside and see what the men are doing." Lois said and Lucy nodded as they got up and walked outside.

. . .

As the girls made their way out to the porch, they saw Clark walking their way, so they sat down in some of the porch chairs and Clark came and joined them.

"So, did you get the tractor fixed?" Lois asked.

"Yeah, it will work for a while now. I am sure of it." Clark said.

"Clark, I know why you are keeping that old thing, but don't you think it would be better to get a new one so you don't have to be working on it all of the time?" Lois asked.

"I will think about it. I just don't want to get rid of the old one because it reminds me of when I was younger and we used to work on it together." Clark said.

"I understand that honey. I just don't like you having to work on the tractor all the time." Lois said.

"You're right. I will go and look at new tractors tomorrow and still keep this one as a back up." Clark said.

"Sounds good. I will even come with you, if you want me to." Lois said.

"No. Your family is in town and you need to spend time with them. I will be fine on my own." Clark said and Lois nodded.

"So, dad must still be on his walk. Did he stop by and see you one his way out?" Lucy asked.

"Yeah he did, and we had a nice conversation as well." Clark said.

"Really. That doesn't sound much like dad when he talks to your past boyfriends, Lois." Lucy said.

"No it doesn't, but I think he is trying to get back in my good graces, which means he will be sucking up to Clark and me while you are here." Lois said and the other two nodded as they continued to talk and enjoy each other's company for the rest of the day.

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