Chapter 11: Concerned

Start from the beginning

I looked at him and felt my heart sink. Why are you reacting like this? What did you think was going to happen when your parents took over Auradon? My thoughts lectured as I stood there, feeling like something in me had shattered. Why does this bother you so much? My thoughts demanded. "It's alright... Patton." I assured him, my voice shaking despite my best efforts to be calm. I forced a smirk of my own before bowing dramatically, causing him to giggle.

     "Until we meet again, my King of the Pond." I stated before rising. "Alright..." Patton agreed hesitantly.
     "Are you..." He began, but I left the gardens before he could finish that question.

Patton's POV
(Warning for depressing thoughts and self depreciation)

I watched Remy leave, and felt a sting of guilt. Why do I always mess up? I wondered as I left the garden and walked him run off. I debated with myself, wondering if I should go after him and find out what's wrong. I don't want to bother him... I thought. So, I decided to head back to my dorm, using this time to think about my feelings.

I like him... I think I like him. I realized. But how am I going to tell my parents? My Uncles? They'd freak... Especially Uncle Grumpy. I thought. Slow down. Geez. I don't even know if he feels the same... Why would he? It's already stupid for me to like him so much, he's the Evil Queen's son, and I'm... I only knew him for two days, and for all I know, he could just be trying to... My thoughts continued, but I didn't allow them to finish. I'd start crying if I let them continue, and that would worry Roman. Instead I hummed loudly and wore a bright smile, trying my best to drown them out.

When I arrived at my dorm, I saw Roman marching over, almost like he was walking on a cloud. At least he seems happy... I thought, my smile becoming more genuine as I met Roman at the door. "Hey, how did tryouts go?" I asked as we entered our dorm. "They went well! Kind of... Remus did amazing, but, uh... Turns out he has a huge fear of dogs, and, well, Rocky was out for a walk." Roman informed me. "Oh dear... Is he okay?" I asked worriedly.

"He wasn't at first, but Logan and I helped him calm down." Roman told me as he flopped down on his bed. He looked at the roof with a silly smile and a dazed look in his eyes, causing me to watch him in confusion as I sat on my own bed. "Are you okay?" I asked him. "Never better!" Roman declared, his grin growing as he sat up. "Oh?" I responded, hoping he'd elaborate. "I'm in love, Patton!" Roman cheered, standing up and spinning around. "In love?" I gasped, feeling excited for him. Or, at least, I tried to feel excited for him... It was hard to ignore a small voice in the back of my head that said something was wrong.

     "Yes! Oh and he's incredible! He makes my heart sing!" Roman gushed, lowering himself onto his knees and dramatically clutching his chest. Patton giggled, finding Roman's behaviour silly. "Alrighty then, who is the lucky fella?" I asked, wondering if this would finally push Roman to come out to his parents and get out of his betrothal with Coraline.

     "Virgil!" Roman answered, as if it were obvious.

     "Virgil?" I asked, that nagging feeling growing louder. You can't be suspicious just because he's from the isle... They seem really nice, and you already knew Roman liked him. I thought. Yeah, but... this is... this is weird, even for Roman. I added. "Yes! He's as dark as twilight yet bright as the moon and stars..." Roman shouted fondly. "Hmm..." I hummed nervously, brows furrowed as I watched Roman dance around our dorm, his head in the clouds as he hummed gleefully.

     "You alright, Pat?" Roman asked, sounding normal for a moment as he looked back at me. "Yeah... Yeah I'm fine. Just tired." I assured him, getting up to grab some pyjamas from my dresser. "Alright, you get some sleep. I have some planning to do if I want to get Virgil to fall in love with me by Friday." Roman decided before heading for his desk. "Mhmm..." I replied, wishing I could just be happy for him and not feel so concerned... I practically suggested marriage to Remy after two days of knowing him, why should I be so worried just because Roman is gushing over Virgil?

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