Chapter 62

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Chapter 62

The pain had returned.

It was slow but surely creeping up on her.

Although, she refused to tell Klaus, not until they reached California and they were at least a day away.

She absolutely hated road trips but to be fair, she had never gone on one with Klaus before.

"So this little cult of yours ..." he began to ask her.

"It's not a cult" she chuckled, shaking her head at the idea. "It's a Coven."

"Right, right" he nodded along with humour.

She gave him a disappointed look. "Are you laughing at me?" she questioned.

"No, I'm just humouring you" he teased her, making her roll her eyes. "So this ... Coven of yours?" he asked.

"Yes, my Coven" she clarified. If she weren't so in love with him, she would have stabbed him with the white oak herself. "I didn't make it by myself and when I left to go and chase down that delightful cure for Katherine, I left the Coven in the hands of a friend of mine" she explained.

"How do you know they'll be loyal to you?" he questioned.

She looked down at the satnav when it finally dropped to twenty-three hours. "Because, I saved all their lives, more than once" she divulged to him.

For a moment, he stopped talking in her ear. "But they'll all still fear me" he added.

"Are you so determined to be the villain" she sighed, watching his eyebrows fly up. "It's not a criticism, Nik, just a point. It might be easier for everyone to hate you but it doesn't hurt to be liked every now and then."


It was a strange feeling when the car rolled around the streets she had once patrolled like a battleground. Herbs that she hadn't smelt in years, flooded her senses, drawing her back to a time she missed but was glad was over for many different reasons.

Her longing was a curse. And people always long for things they don't - that they can't have. She always knew she'd have to leave the witch town but part of her hoped that day would never come. For years it seemed impossible for her to feel at home anywhere else yet she found a home, with the Mikaelsons. With a family, no one else could even imagine trusting.

Perhaps, she was destined to roll back around the streets one day and reenact her past. The good and of course, maybe a bit of the bad.

After all, her life didn't know how to be peaceful, not forever.

They stopped behind a building she once called home, she got Hope out of the car but when she glanced around she realised that there was no one nearby the car park. No one knew they had arrived yet.

"You need to behave," she told Klaus, sternly, before he could even fight back. "This is a no vampire town and they are breaking their morals- morals I set into play by letting you- us come here" she explained to him. "So, please, don't go dismantling everything I built in one day" she all but pleaded with him.

As if he could see how much it meant to her, how much all of it meant to her. "Alright," he agreed. "Because it's what's best for Hope" he clarified.

"It is" she whispered, laying a hand on her shoulder. "I promise you, there is nowhere safer" she swore.

She didn't foresee the challenge that came with sneaking through the streets, there being a high chance Klaus or at least the Mikaelsons were the reason for them being there, to begin with. She had heard the name Mikaelson uttered with fear by so many people who sought refuge in the town.

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