Chapter 17

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Chapter 17
Past Connections

The sound of the leaves crunching under her feet, echoed throughout the woodland, like the rhythm of a heartbeat.

She saw the old shack, up ahead of her, as she emerged from the trees. "Marie!" Andrea yelled as she approached the old hut. She knew it had been around far longer than her. A reminiscence of her childhood. One of the many, memories of her past.

The rickety door, suddenly opened. "Andrea," the blond said, emerging from the hut. "It's been forever!" she exclaimed, throwing her arms around her, pulling her in for a hug.

"Yer" Andrea muttered, pushing her arms aside. "Sorry, not much of a hugger" she muttered.

"Sorry, it's just been so long," she said, pulling away from her. "I was happy when I got your call."

She didn't know why she called her.

They had talked, all but three times, in her childhood and even then, they had been small, simple exchanges. And yet, in her moment, of desperation she had been the first person, she decided to call.

"I didn't think you would agree," Andrea said.

"Cause you're involved with the Mikaelson's?" she asked, making Andrea's blood run cold. It clearly showed on her face, from what she said next. "News travels fast. The whole Quater knows after last night's party."

"Were you there?" she asked, sarcastically.

"No, but you know what I mean" she chuckled. "Come in, we wouldn't want you to catch something," she said, opening the door, and inviting her in,

She glanced around the cramped cabin, packed to the brim with equipment and family heirlooms. "This is ... quaint" she commented, glancing around the room. "How did you survive, all this time?" she asked.

"There is a lot more of us than you know," Marie said, guiding her into an examination room. "Lay down for me, if you don't mind."

Hesitantly, she compiled, laying back on the medical bad. "How did you set, all of this up?" she asked, trying to ignore the stench of bleach, all around her.

"When the ..." she stopped clearly realising how bad what she was going to say was.

"When Marcel murdered my father" Andrea choked. "I know, Marie" she declared. "I know exactly what he did to my father, to our pack ... my family" she muttered. "Let's just say, if I wasn't pregnant he would be long dead."

"Pull your shirt up for me," Marie asked, evading the question before, taking a deep breath. "We were left with nothing," she said, rubbing the gel on her stomach, and grabbing her ultrasound machine.

Andrea drew a deep breath as she moved the scanner, over her stomach. She concentrated her hearing, listening to the steady heartbeat. The beating was clearer than anything she had heard in her whole life. She had never found it so easy, to fixate on something. Never, had it been, so simple.

"Your baby's, heart rate is perfect" Marie declared, smiling down at her. "Your blood pressure is a bit high though, fortunately, I have something for that," she said, giving her a small smile as she left the room.

Andrea pulled her top back on, glancing out of the window, into the night to see three men getting out of a car. She drew a deep breath, recognising one of them, from the party, only the night before.

"Marie?" Andrea called out, panic rising in her throat.

"Sorry," she said, appearing in the doorway. "They were buried in the mess I call home, here" she joked handing her a bottle of pills.

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