Chapter 48

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Chapter 48
Empty Fable

Andrea couldn't get the prophecy off her mind no matter what she did.

Almost every detail had disturbing similarities to the destruction of The Crescents. Maybe history was doomed to repeat itself, after all.

There were far too many enemies for the Mikaelsons to fall by. And at this point, she wasn't sure who were considered friends to the Mikaelson Clan and who were foes. The family didn't exactly have a good history, of keeping people close, for long.

Yet, the concept of a Mikaelson ever actually doing something to hurt each other seemed impossible. Always and forever, had survived for over a thousand years, why couldn't it survive for another millennium?

When she walked into the study, she saw Klaus sitting on the floor playing with Hope. A smile curled over her lips at the sight. He looked so happy, as Hope grinned up at him pulling on the ends of his hair.

He looked up, noticing her looming in the corner. "Come on" he urged her, nodding to the floor next to him, as Hope began to giggle looking over at her mother.

"How long have you known him?" Andrea asked, sitting down next to him, as Hope grabbed her hand, playing with her fingers. "Lucien. How long?"

"Back when my family was happy, it was only a few years after we turned. We had no idea what we were or how to control it, only that we were being chased by our father and we were lost" he recalled. "There was a girl" he admitted, smiling at the memory. "She was the first woman I ever loved."

He laid a hand on her cheek, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear, his arm slipping onto her shoulder. "But I never loved her as I love you" he promised.

She simply nodded, as he carried on with the story. She had learnt, some things were best left uninterrupted. "Her name was Aurora De Martel, she was the son of a Count but Lucien was as in love with  her as I was."

"Classic" she chuckled. "Two friends in love with the same girl, wonder where I've heard that before" she commented grinning.

He chuckled, picking Hope up in her arms. "Yes, well, the more you look at the Salvatore brothers the more cliche they become," he said, playing with Hope's fingers. "In hindsight, I could have done more to save him but then, even an endless life can not be playing in reverse" he mused.

"Wish it could" she muttered.

Klaus pulled her closer, laying a kiss on her cheek as he carried on. "He wanted to be with her but he was too low a station, for her. Meanwhile, I was having an affair, without anyone's knowing. He asked me to give her a letter" he took a deep breath, looking into the fireplace.

"He caught you, didn't he" she commented.

"Yes," Klaus sighed. "He did."

Andrea could see he was deep in thought but didn't push him. After all, he never pushed her, to say anything she wasn't ready for.

"Aurora's brother was tyrannical and his hate for Lucien was ... great. So, when he caught him in her chambers he punished him. It was horrific" he said, pausing as he remembered the past. "He- I healed him afterwards and Tistian killed him, in front of me."

"He's the first vampire you ever turned" Andrea realised. "You're first time healing someone, with your blood. He is the first sired vampire."

"Yes," Klaus simply agreed. "But because of Aurora, he qualifies as both friend and foe."

"Yer, but why is he here?" she asked, taking Hope out of his arms as she sat on her lap. "To protect you? That's clearly bullshit. He's planning something Nik" she declared.

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