Chapter 50

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Chapter 50
There She Is, The One

She couldn't remember a single thing that came next. She completely blacked out.

Her eyes blinked open. The sun was blaring through her window, as she rolled over. Her arms fell on an empty bed, making her realise Klaus wasn't there.

After a minute or two, she managed to open her eyes, realising Klaus wasn't there waiting for her. She groaned, rolling out of bed and grabbing her phone.

"Klaus!" she yelled, knowing he would be able to hear her if he hadn't left. She opened her door, glancing around" Klaus, are you here!" she called downstairs. She concentrated on her hearing, but couldn't hear anyone. "Klaus!"

"He's not here" Hayley declared, vamping into her room. "I'm really getting used to this vampire stuff," she said, a proud smile on her face.

"I can tell" she chuckled, vamping behind her, making her jump. "But I'm still better" she grinned.

"We haven't hung out in a while" she suddenly said.

"You know what, why not" Andrea shrugged. "Klaus had ditched me for the day, clearly, and I have nothing better to do."

"Ouch," Hayley chucked, linking arms with Andrea. "Drinks?"

"I'm never drinking again" Andrea grimaced.


Hayley and Andrea ended up, in the study of the Mikaelson Compound, after Andrea swore blind, she would never drink a day in her life, ever again.

Andrea slammed her cup down, as a thought, came into her mind. "Oh, shit" she chuckled, forcing down her coffee. "And then, she had the audacity, to call me a liar!" she exclaimed.

"I'm not going to lie, to you Andrea. This Maria Vanque, or whatever, girl, sounds like a real bitch" Hayley conceded, crossing her arms. "You should be more careful, with who you become friends with."

"Oh?" she questioned, raising an eyebrow. "You do realise, the irony of that statement when we're sat in the Mikaelson, Compound?" she said, raising an eyebrow. "By definition, that makes us hypocrites."

Hayley chuckled slightly. "Well, let's both be honest, we have ..." she trailed off for a moment. "... questionable taste."

"How's Elijah?" she teased, raising an eyebrow.

Hayley glared at her for a moment before, rolling her eyes. "I know you two have your quarrels."

"Hey" Andrea snapped, grabbing her attention. "I love you Hayley, and if your happy, I'm happy" Andrea assured her, laying a hand on her thigh. "For the love of God, Hayley, be happy," she said rolling her eyes.

She smiled back at her, a spark of joy, glimmering, deep in her eyes.

Andrea leaned closer to Hayley, next to her ear. "I must say though" she whispered. "Mikaelson men, have something special to them," she said giving Hayley a wink, making her blush.

Hayley smiled brightly, grabbing Andrea's hand, tightly. "I think I'm in love" she admitted.

Andrea grinned back at her.  "This family could get really messy" she realised.

The two laughed, practically falling off the sofa.


Davina finally called.

Andrea had been trying to get a hold of her, for hours, when she finally figured out how to break the crescent curse.

She didn't have it in her, to walk through the witches of the French Quarter, she feared she might kill them. However, when she snuck through the tomb Davina was standing over a table and for a moment, she thought it was her mother.

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