Chapter 26

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Chapter 26
The Mess We've Made

"Wake up!"

Andra threw herself forwards, blood rushing to her head as she realised she was in the church once more. She grabbed her throat, feeling the dried blood on her skin.

Her mother was right, she was undead.

She was a vampire ...

The very thing she had despised and fought against for years, she had become.

There was something within her, telling her to go to the graveyard, she assumed it was the hunger for blood but she wasn't sure.

"Then we move faster" she heard Klaus declare.

"Their smarter" she announced, her voice dry and hoarse, inching around the doorway, giving the two originals a small smile, as they stared at her in astonishment.

She wrapped her arms around her body, as she stumbled into the crypt.

Klaus audibly gasped, rushing forwards to grab her, he stared at the dried blood around her throat, laying a gentle hand on her cheek before saying the fatal words, "you're dead."

"I woke up in the church. I felt this hunger" she said, glancing over to see a stunned Elijah. "And I knew, exactly what I needed."

"I can feel her" she muttered pulling her face away from Klaus, as she stumbled deeper into the crypt, as the urge to grab her, to save her, increased. "I can feel my daughter."

"You died with your baby blood in your system" Klaus declared. making her stop. "you're in transition."

"Transition into what exactly?" she chortled. "I was a hybrid what will I be now?"

"You have to drink the baby blood" Elijah added.

"To be reborn a tribrid" Klaus stated.

"I don't care about me" she insisted. "I died for her once, I'll do it again. Let's go find our daughter."

She marched out of the tomb and was followed closely by Klaus and Elijah.

Neither of them said a word, as they realised, she was on a mission. Nothing was going to stop her.

They rounded the corner to see the witches chanting as they raised a knife over the baby.

"Hey witch bitch!" she screamed, drawing their attention. "Back the fuck up!"

A seething pain shot through her skull as the two harvest girls cast a spell on her. "You fools. To come against us, in our place of power. In our strongest hour. You don't face three. You face us all" Monique declared.

Andrea groaned on the ground but forced herself up through her pain. "Don't fail me down ma" she muttered, charging at Genevive and smashing her against the wall. "I'm gonna gut you like a fucking fish" she promised.

"I'm sorry" she apologised throwing her back, but Andrea didn't believe it for a moment. "It must be done."

Abruptly, the undead figure of her mother appeared before the elder witch, stopping her in her tracks. "You ripped my heart out" she snarled, backing Genevive into a corner. "It hurt" she snarled, launching her back into a wall.

Andrea didn't waste a moment as she ran towards her daughter, ripping off a loose piece of metal, from one of the crypts, clutching the blond harvest witch by the hair and stabbing her straight in the heart.

She was flung back by a spell, as a migraine shot through her making her scream out.

She heard a gasp of pain and looked up to see Monique with slices all over her body, dropping to the ground dead.

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