What is Iudiciis?

Start from the beginning


Asked Kai.

"That obvious huh?"

"Don't be, we will all be with you."

Tatum assures.

"Yeah, It's not like its the trials."

Jokes Penny.

"The trials? What the hell is that?"


Says Lily through narrow eyes.

"Sorry, Ms. Clarke."

Penny replies with her head down.

"No, what is the trials?"

"Guardian,  that's your cue. Come on, everyone else in to the other room."

Says Lily as she rounds up everyone else like cattle and herds them into the living room.

"What was that about?"

Hunter is standing there practically dying with laughter.

"Your aunt plays dirty."

"Yeah, don't care. Why, is everyone being weird?"

"She just didn't want to tell you the story and she wants to save everyone else from rehearing it."

"So that story is bad?"

"No, just boring I guess."

"So, are you going to tell me or not?"

"Take a seat."

He says gesturing towards the table. He takes the seat right across from me and takes in a deep breath and lets it out.

"Do you want to hear the long version or the short version?"

"Just get on with it!"

"Okay, the short version then."

"The trials or iudiciis, are a series of task given witches and warlocks. These trials anyone of that nature can attend. It is basically, a bunch of test thrown together so basics can challenge the Royals to try and prove they are better."


"Basics lose every time."

"Because Royals have elements."

"That's just it. During the trails Royals can not use their elemental magic. They have to prove even if they were a basic, they would still be better."

"So, I am assuming the basics think this time around they may win? Because, because of me, right? That's the real reason everyone cleared the room."

Hunter takes my hand into his.

"Hey, don't do that. Basics will always be just that. But you are extraordinary, let them doubt yours and the others powers. They will be sadly mistaken."

"So, what do these task entail?"

"Well theres spell casting."

"Oh, well I used that push spell on the vamp and the Wendigo."

Hunter smirks shyly.

"There's also enchantments and conjuring."

"Enchantments is Kai's thing. I read some stuff on conjuring but I haven't gotten to dabble with it yet. What else?"

I say kind of excited.

"There's hand to hand combat."

My eyes light up.

"Ava, no."

"I mean, fighting is like that easiest one for me."


"Why not?"

"There's basics that train their whole lives for this moment and most or them are ten times your size."


"Okay, I over exaggerated a bit with the size but I am serious Ava, I think you need to study more and leave the fight to..."

"Go ahead, say it."

Hunter shakes his head.

"To the men! Right? That's what you were going to say? Let Kai fight because he is a man and I am just a little girl!"

"I wouldn't call Kai a man but, okay."

I was so frustrated with his response I couldn't help myself. I tucked my middle finger under my thumb and let it rip on Hunters forehead.

"Ow! Did you just flick me?"

"Yes! Yes, I did."

Hunter starts laughing.


"Because you pissed me off."

"Well, if that's your defense mechanism then basics beware."

I couldn't help but laugh we were both in stitches.

"When will the trials take place any?"

I question.

"Sometime, next year. So, you have time to make your flick lethal."

"Shut up."

I reply pushing his shoulder.

"So, I guess for right now all I have to do is show up and just try to look pretty?"

Hunter's face gets serious and his eyes glow golden, he tucks a strand of my ear behind my ear.

"You don't have to try at that."

Oh boy! I think to myself as a wave of heat flows through me. I can not react to this feeling. Even if I want to crash my lips against his and taste him. I have to fight that urge because it is wrong.


I say in a whisper as I pull away from him.

"I  am sorry. I shouldn't have. I should go."

"Wait, you shouldn't have to go because of that."

"That's exactly why I should."


I question as if I am oblivious to his affections towards me and I him.

Hunter walks up to me and brings his face towards mine and whispers.

"Don't act like you don't know, why."

My eyes well up.

"Hunter, I -."

I couldn't finish my sentence I was blinded by the brightness of the lighting as Hunter makes his leave. Unlike, all the other times this time I didn't dwell on why he left, I already knew. It was too hard to stay. I pull myself together and joined the others in the other room and as I sit there I hoped that one day Hunter will be happy, whether it was with or with out me.

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