🤜 The ultimate throw down 🤛 Students prt.2 🤛

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💜Hitoshi shinso💜

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

💜Hitoshi shinso💜

Date night!! It was Shinso's turn to choose the date and he'd let you know the time so alllllll day you were just waiting patiently for a text or a call luckily in your third year of Ua you had a bit more time to yourselves so you just hung out in your room ... the day quickly dragged itself from morning till late afternoon it felt as if Shinsou forgot about you, a knock came from your door trudging over and opening the wooden door there stood your best friend Shoto

S"Y/n are you free today?"

You looked up at him giving a small smile figuring out what to say technically you were free but you knew Shinso was supposed to come

"Well im waiting for Hitoshi but i've not heard from him"

S"Would you like to accompany me to the mall?"


S"It wont take long"

You nodded and grabbed your bag and off you went it was a nice walk to the shopping district walking toward the mall Shoto took a left turn

"Shoto? This isnt the way to the mall"

He continued on with you slowly following, he lead you up a small hill a blanket laid on the fluffy grass

"Why did you bring me here i thought you needed some stuff from-"

S"You can come out now!"

Shoto left you stood dumbfounded thats when the half and half haired boy was replaced by the purple haired boy


H"Kitten... im sorry i didnt call or text today but this hopefully should make it up to you"

"You just showing up made up for it already!"

"You just showing up made up for it already!"

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

🖤Hanta sero🖤

It was early in the morning and by early i mean it was 4:35 in the morning a black haired boy couldn't sleep at all so to try and make himself tired he went to grab a drink from the common shared kitchen but was shocked to see a fellow student was also awake yuga aoyama the pair of them were just drinking together but they heard another couple pairs of footsteps you and your best friend Jirou who also couldn't sleep Yuga rolled his eyes as he saw you

Ha"Baby why are you awake?"

"Ah couldn't sleep neither could kyoka"

Ji"Mm a sleepless night for the four of us"

Y"Why dont we try to fix it?"


Y"Well you sleep with l/n and i sleep with Hanta?"

"Uhh we were sleeping in the same room before so it wouldn't work"

Y"Never know~"

Ji"I think Hanta and Y/n should spend the night together maybe you two can get some sleep"

Thanks Jirou

Ha"Not a bad idea"

"What about you and aoyama wont you both be up still?"

Ji"Im sure we'll find a way to get back to sleep"

Yuga huffed and snarled at the two of you walking back to Hantas room you both knew what Yuga tried to do and thanks to jirou she helped diffuse the situation escalating.

Yuga huffed and snarled at the two of you walking back to Hantas room you both knew what Yuga tried to do and thanks to jirou she helped diffuse the situation escalating

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

🐙Tamaki amajiki🐙

Yu yu haya.... she has been following you around recently ans you thought it was because she was going to tease you about god knows what but thankfully she didnt you did so happen to wonder why she was following you but that'll be explained later...

...It was a peaceful night in, all your studies caught up and all homework done you planned the rest of your night which consists of snacks movies and a little alcoholic beverage for a well deserved reward so upon setting this cosy night in you went out and got what you needed for the night in, you returned to your dorm room setting everything up with the movie waiting to be played you thought about inviting Tamaki so you shot him a text

Hey Tam! Im havin a mini
movie night wanna join me?

I have snacks :3 <3

My sun 💛:
Why would i wanna do that?
Sounds stupid
And your annoying to be around

Really now?
Not what you saying the
other day 😏

My Sun 💛:


Just as you thought .... this wasn't Tamaki, giggling to yourself you waltz to Amajiki's room and knocking gently you heard whispers and shuffling then the door opened

Ta"Y/n? Are you alright?"

"Mhm have you been on your phone lately?"

Ta"No? ..."

"I think you should check our most recent messages"

You watched the poor confused boy grab his phone and as he moved out of the way your thoughts were correct Yu Yu had been up to no good once again, the dark haired boy walked over to you again looking at his phone furrowing his eyebrows

Ta"...I didnt send these-"

His head raised up looking at you then to the pink haired girl in his room

Ta" Haya may you please leave"

Yu"Why? We were in the middle of-"


His face was serious and scary she grabbed her things huffed and walked out nudging you a bit

Ta"Im s-so sorry bun-ny"

"Its okay bubba shes nothing i cant handle"

Ta"Im not gonna allow her to be around us"

He let out a little sigh and looked down

Ta"Would you like to come in?"

"Hm oh sorry i have a movie night in ... with snacks and stuff"

Ta"...a-and i didnt get an invite?"

"Oh you did read your messages"

The boy once again lifted his phone and re-read through the texts he chuckled a little and then lifted his face with a bright red blush on it

Ta"You seemed to like other nights ... activity and i- ... id love to join y-you"

~¡!Bnha boyfriend scenarios!¡~ حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن