Kai vs Jailen! Against All Odds!

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3rd Person POV

There stood Kai and Jailen. Facing each other on a battlefield at the Pokémon Center in Retrorun City.

Jailen was nervous. There was nothing he wanted more than to earn respect from his son, and after training with the world champion, he'd become stronger. Significantly stronger. But he still had his doubts as to whether or not he could defeat Kai.

"Well... are you ready to go Kai?" Jailen asked. "How does a 2 on 2 battle sound?"

Kai showed his Poké Ball to Jailen, then tossed it into the air.

"Ikuze! Eelektross!" He threw his Poké Ball out and his Eelektross appeared.

"Eeleeehh!" It cried.

Jailen took a deep breath as he grabbed his Poké Ball and threw it into the air.

"Zoroark go!" Jailen yelled as he Poké Ball opened up and his Zoroark appeared.

"Raaaarrkkk!" It cried.

Jailen and Kai then stood in silence for a moment.

"Kai... I-" Jailen started.

"No more words. If you want me to understand how you feel. Show me in battle! Eelektross discharge!" Kai yelled.

"Eeleehhhh!" Eelektross cried as it unleashed a burst of electricity at Zoroark.

"Night daze!" Jailen commanded.

"Raaarrkkk!" Dark energy surrounded Zoroark's arms as it smashed them into the battlefield, unleashing a shockwave that exploded into the electricity.

"Raaarrkkk!" Dark energy surrounded Zoroark's arms as it smashed them into the battlefield, unleashing a shockwave that exploded into the electricity

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"Use crush claw!" Kai commanded.

"Zoroark shadow claw!" Jailen yelled.

"Eeleeh!" Eelektross said as its arms glowed with power as it rushed towards Zoroark.

"Raaarkkk!" Zoroark roared as its claws glowed with shadows and it clashed with Eelektross.

"Raaarkkk!" Zoroark roared as its claws glowed with shadows and it clashed with Eelektross

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Jailen could hardly catch his breath. The battle had only just started but it was already extremely intense.

"Zoroark dark pulse!" Jailen yelled.

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