Broken Love

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Zeldris's POV

None other than the Jadis Region Champion, Platinum Wilson, walked out of the smoke cloud, wearing a confident smile. His Eevee sat on his head, while his Charizard walked by his side.

"I-It's Champion Platinum...!" I said with shock.

"Everyone alright?" Platinum asked.

"The Jadis Region Champion." Said Matias.

"His strength... it's amazing." Said Raven in awe.

"I hope no one is hurt-" Platinum started, but then his eyes went black and his expression became dark when he noticed Circe unconscious on the ground. "Circe!"

He ran straight to her, ignoring everything else.

"Platinum... knows Circe?" I said to myself.

Panic struck Platinum's face and body when he noticed blood running down her face. He lifted her up, and held her in his lap, holding her hand as he did so.

"Circe hey." Platinum started. "Can you hear me?"

She didn't respond, but Platinum put his head to her chest, and sighed with relief when he heard her heartbeat.

He's so... intimate with her.

Platinum lifted Circe up, and held her in his arms bridal style, and began walking back to his Charizard without saying a word. Then he gently laid Circe down onto his Charizard's back.

"H-Hey!" I yelled to Platinum. "Where are you taking her?!"

Platinum turned around, and glared at me. It was like I could see a burning fire of rage in his eyes. He began walking over to me, and he grabbed me by my shirt.

"Zeldris!" He yelled. "Are you the reason?! Are you why she got hurt?!"

"I-I..." I was too stunned to speak.

"You were supposed to protect her! You were supposed to keep her safe!" Platinum yelled at me, and tears filled his eyes. "But because of you... I could've lost the girl that I love!"

The... girl that he loves?

Platinum held his fist back like he was about to punch me, and I braced myself.

"Vee!" Platinum's Eevee ran across his arm and stopped him from hitting me.

Platinum looked at Eevee, and sighed, then he looked back at me. I could still see the rage burning in his eyes.

"You're not worth the time it takes to do it." Platinum said as he let go of me, and I fell back onto the ground.

He got onto the back of his Charizard with Circe, and began flying into the air.

"No..." I said as I stood back up and reached out to her but Charizard had already began flying away. "Circe!"

3rd Person POV

Hours later, Circe woke up in bed. She sat up, but had a splitting headache.

"Ow..." She said as she held her head, but then she realized that there was bandage wrapped around her head.

She slowly stood up. Everything felt a little hazy for her, and she was a bit dizzy, but she could still walk. Then she remembered everything that had happened, and she wondered if Zeldris was okay.

Circe realized that the bedroom she was in was extremely familiar as she looked around. Even the bed that she was asleep in was familiar.

"Vee?" Platinum's Eevee could be heard from another room.

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