The Phantom Bandits!

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Zeldris's POV

"We're here!" I smiled. "Cocoridge Town!"

A couple of days had passed, and we finally arrived. Cocoridge Town was a small town, and the center of it was a wooden plaza with a shrine on top of it, and aqueducts underneath the shrine. I liked Cocoridge Town. The last time I was here, the people were really nice.

"This is a cute little town." Circe smiled as we walked through the town together.

"It's really nice here! There's a small restaurant here called Yungoose Tavern too." I told Circe as we headed to the Pokémon Center. "I can't wait to challenge the gym leader. I'm not losing this time."

"Which way is the gym?" Circe asked.

"That way..." I said but I started becoming confused when Circe and I noticed groups of people running towards the plaza.

"What's going on...?" Circe said as people kept running by us.

"Let's follow them and find out." I told her.

"Okay." Circe nodded as we began following the running people.

We followed them through the town until we reached the plaza. People were all gathered at the plaza and were staring at the shrine that sat on top of it with concern.

"Hey wait a second..." I said as I looked closer at the shrine.

"What's wrong?" Circe asked.

"Cheewa?" Pachirisu said.

"The last time I was here, there was this really pretty blue gem that sat on top of that shrine, and the most fresh water that I've ever seen flowed out of the shrine and down those aqueducts... but now the gem is gone, and there's no water flowing." I said.

"You're right." Circe said as she looked closer. "Is that why everyone's panicking?"

"It's the end for Cocoridge Town..." A man next to sighed with depression.

"Excuse me, but why it so bad that the gem is missing?" I asked the man.

"Who are you? You don't seem very familiar." The man said.

He was an older gentleman with a raspy voice, and seemed like the kind of guy that knew everybody in town.

"I'm Zeldris, and this is my partner Pachirisu." I introduced myself.

"Cheewa!" Pachirisu smiled.

"And my name is Circe." Circe smiled as she waved.

"A confident looking young man, and a beautiful young lady. What brings you two to Cocoridge Town?" The man asked.

"I'm here so I can have a gym battle. I lost once before at this gym but I'm ready for a rematch." I spoke.

"Well... now may not be a great time for the gym leader. Christian's got his hands full ever since the Celestial Gem went missing." The old man spoke.

"The Celestial Gem?" Circe said.

"It was a gift from a legendary Pokémon, the great Suicune." The old man said.

"Suicune?!" I exclaimed.

"I've never heard of Suicune before." Circe said.

"Suicune has the ability to purify all water. Cocoridge Town used to be a wasteland due to so much pollution from all of the people many decades ago. But then Suicune appeared, and purified all of the water in our town." The old man smiled. "Before leaving, it gave the town a parting gift. A shining blue gem called The Celestial Gem. As long as we have that gem, our town would continue to flourish with the cleanest and freshest water in all of Jadis. We were able to sell this water throughout the region, and our town's economy flourished!"

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