Almia Island: Aurora Castle

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Zeldris's POV

There stood a mighty stone castle before us.

"There it is

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"There it is." I said. "Aurora Castle."

The freezing wind howled as snow continued to fall. If we didn't have our coats and scarves from Matias and Raven, then there's no doubt we would've gotten frostbite.

"Are you ready?" Circe asked me.

"Yeah." I nodded my head as we began walking towards the castle.

We stood at the front doors. They were a dark blue and stood tall.

"Cheewa..." Pachirisu marveled.

"Stand back Circe." I said as I got out my Poké Ball. "I'll have Emboar break this door down."

"Or..." Circe said as she lightly pushed the door, and it opened.

"Oh..." I sweat dropped. "That works too."

Circe giggled as she walked into the castle. It was good seeing her laugh. I then realized how cute she looked in her scarf, but now is no time to be a simp.

The castle floor was covered in ice and it was just as cold inside as it was outside. The castle was lit by torches on the wall, and fire lit lamps on the ground, and there was a big dining table in the center of the castle.

"Cheewa..." Pachirisu said as he looked around the castle.

"What time is it?" Circe asked.

"It's 5:02. The Phantom Bandits said to be here by 5-" I started, when all of a sudden, a Seviper, Garbodor, Skuntank ran onto the scene, and surrounded us.



"Skuuuun!" They cried.

"You actually showed up!" We heard Mare's voice as he and the rest of the bandits appeared with their Pokémon.

Jahim was holding Circe's Chingling in a small cage.

"Chingling!" Circe exclaimed when she saw her.

"Ching!" Chingling cried out as tears fell from its eyes.

"We're here like you said! Now let Chingling go!" I yelled.

"Cheewa!" Pachirisu said.

"You didn't think it'd be that easy did you?" I heard an unfamiliar voice.

"I know that voice..." Circe said.

Out walked a man I'd never seen before, but he stood with the Phantom Bandits.

"Nice to see you again Circe." He smiled. "You've gotten even more beautiful since the last time I saw you 3 years ago!"

"H-How are you-! I saw you-" Circe started.

"Did you really think that would be enough to end me?" Arron laughed.

"Circe, who is this guy?" I asked her.

"He was an admin for the group of people that my mom organized. Her right hand man, Admin Arron." Circe said.

"I've gotta tell ya, I'm surprised it was this easy to get you here! I mean I thought it would be obvious that it was a trap." Arron laughed.

"Well what was I supposed to do? Your little pets took my Chingling." Circe said with clear annoyance in her voice.

"Oh she did not just call us pets!" Said Karth, but Arron put his hand out in front of him.

"Listen, we don't have to fight." Arron said. "We can all walk away from this where no one gets hurt."

"How do you figure?" I asked.

"Here's a trade offer for you: Circe gives us Zygarde, we give Chingling back." Arron said.

"Zygarde?" I said with confusion.

"I don't even have it anymore!" Circe said.

"You expect me to believe that?" Arron said. "So what's the story? You and Zygarde try to murder me then just called it quits?"

"Leave her alone!" I yelled at Arron. "We didn't come here to make any kind of trade! Just give back Chingling!"

"Zeldris... do you have to be so naive?" Arron laughed.

"H-How do you know my name?" I asked.

"From your dad! Quan right? Quan Delonte?" Arron said. "Oh man we had a real good time battling him."

Anger filled my body when Arron began talking about my dad.

"What did you do to him?!" I yelled.

"Me? Ha! I didn't do a thing to him." Arron laughed, then he pointed at Circe. "Her mom did. Zenna is the one who stabbed him thorough the heart!"

Circe's eyes lit up with shock when Arron said that.

Time seemed to freeze, and my blood went ice cold. Circe's mom... killed my dad?

"Z-Zel..." Circe started as I felt her hand on my back. I knocked her away as I turned around to face her.

"Did you... know?" I asked.

"N-No!" Circe said. "I-I had no idea!"

"Not only that, but she tried to kill me along with Zygarde! Guess the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree if you know what I mean-" Arron started.

"Shut up!" I yelled to him. "Just shut the hell up!"

"Cheewa...?" Pachirisu looked up at me.

I can't believe it... the girl I'm in love with... her mom is the reason why I don't have a dad anymore...

Arron smiled devilishly.

"We aren't leaving without that Zygarde. So either give it up, or we'll take it by force AND keep Chingling." Arron said.

What do I do? I don't even want to look at Circe right now.

"Zel..." She spoke.

"Don't talk to me." I said to her.

"Zel please... I need your help. I can't get Chingling back without you." Circe said.

"Because of your mom I can never see my dad again." I said to her. "Give me one good reason as to why I should help you. Just one."

Circe didn't say anything. She just looked down at the ground.

"Cheewa..." Pachirisu said.

"That's what I thought." I spoke as I began walking away, towards the exit of the castle.

"Smart choice Zeldris! Don't let her seduce you with that pretty face! Anyone that's close with her will end up losing everything they love!" Arron yelled out to me.

"Cheepa!" Pachirisu angrily yapped at me as I kept walking.

I turned around and looked at him.

"You want to stay here and help her knowing what her family has done to us? Fine by me." I said as I walked out of the castle, leaving Circe by herself.

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