Robert's Challenge! Vs Isaiah!

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3rd Person POV

"Sandslash use pin missile!" Platinum yelled.

"Saaaand!" Sandslash cried as it began firing blasts of energy at Robert's Lucario.

"Bullet punch let's go!" Robert yelled.

"Rah! Rah! Rah!" Lucario cried as it began throwing rapid fire punching, countering the pin missile.

"Rah! Rah! Rah!" Lucario cried as it began throwing rapid fire punching, countering the pin missile

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"Fury swipes!" Platinum yelled.

"Sand! Sand! Slash!" Sandslash cried as struck Lucario with a flurry of slashes.

"Sand! Sand! Slash!" Sandslash cried as struck Lucario with a flurry of slashes

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"Gastrooo!" Platinum's Gastrodon cheered for Sandslash.

"Good job! Now use ice ball!" Platinum yelled.

"Saaaand!" Sandslash spun into an icy ball of power, and rushed towards Lucario.

"Jump!" Robert yelled.

"Rah!" Lucario cried as it jumped into the air to dodge.

"Rah!" Lucario cried as it jumped into the air to dodge

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"Now power up punch!" Robert yelled.

"Raaaah!" Lucario's fist glowed with power as it rushed in, and struck Sandslash hard.

"Raaaah!" Lucario's fist glowed with power as it rushed in, and struck Sandslash hard

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