Oblivia Island: Sage Cavern

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Zeldris's POV

"3 years ago... my mom attempted to start something called The Wake. It was an event where multiple legendary Pokémon would destroy the world." Circe started.

"That's what that was... all those legendary Pokémon..." I said with shock. "Your mom caused that...?

She nodded her head.

"She was the one who ordered the attack on the Unova Invitational, and that's when I was kidnapped." She continued. "When I met my mom for the first time I was so... angry at her for all of the pain she had caused people, and I refused to stay with her. So she... she..."

Circe's voice began to break as she spoke, and tears filled her eyes.

"Circe..." I said.

"She... hurt me. Shackled me in chains, and left me dangling from my arms." Then Circe gently rubbed her fingers across her scars. "These scars... are from her."

"Your own mom did that to you...?" I said with shock.

Tears streamed down her face and she held her head in horror.

"That excruciating burning pain... over and over and over..." Circe cried.

"So the nightmares you've been having... your reliving your trauma..." I said with sympathy as she nodded her head.

"I can't go back..." Circe said. She was now full on crying, and it broke my heart seeing her this way. "I'm so afraid..."

I didn't have the words to make her feel better, so instead, I hugged her tightly, and let her cry.

"When your sad, the warmth of someone's body will make you feel better." I said to her.

"Cheewa..." Pachirisu sadly said after hearing how Circe was tortured.

"I'm sorry Circe... it's my fault that you're having nightmares... I shouldn't have attacked that Pokémon." I told her. "I'm going to make it right, you're going to be okay."

Circe tried to wipe her tears, but they just filled her eyes again.

"Thank you Zel." She said to me, but I could tell she was still afraid to sleep.


The next day was here. I was walking around the Aqua Settlement with a lot on my mind. Circe was back at the house with Pachirisu, I wasn't sure if she was okay or not, but I couldn't stop blaming myself.

Her mom did all of that to her... she almost killed Circe... and now because of me, she has to relive all of that fear.

I sighed as I walked around the Aqua Settlement with my head down, and I ended up near that same islander that told Circe and I about the Nightfall Ruins.

"Oh hey it's you! Did you and your girlfriend enjoy the Nightfall Ruins?" He asked me.

"That rumor you told us about... it's real." I said to him. "This pitch black shadowy Pokémon appeared, and now it's giving my friend nightmares."

"So Darkrai really does reside in the ruins..." The Islander said.

"Darkrai?" I asked. "That's it's name?"

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