A Battle For Mega Power!

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Zeldris's POV

It had been a few days since Circe and I left Retrorun City. We were still on the way to Tiltside Village, and it wouldn't be much longer until we got there. Tiltside Village was on a cliff, so the terrain we traveled on started becoming more and more dangerous.

The sun was shining as we continued traveling and there were no clouds in the sky. Circe was telling me about the different kinds of strategies she wanted to try for her contest, and my heart exploded at how passionate she was about being a coordinator.

"So you really think Chingling is ready?" I asked.

"I think so." Circe said. "I promised I'd give her a chance as well-"

Circe was then cut off by the ground shaking underneath.

"What's that?!" I exclaimed.

"Cheewa?!" Pachirisu said.

A big green dragon then burst out of the ground in front of us. I recognized it as a Flygon... but there was someone riding on its back. It was a girl with long brunette hair. She was covered in dirt, and wore a pair of goggles.

"Woohoo!" She exclaimed with excitement as her Flygon landed on the ground. "That was great Flygon! You've gotten really fast!"

"Fly!" Flygon smiled as the girl rubbed its head.

Circe sighed in relief.

"I thought it was an earthquake." She said.

"Me too..." I sweat dropped my heart still racing.

The girl then noticed the two of us as she hopped off of the back of Flygon.

"Oh I'm sorry! I hope I didn't scare you!" She said as she pulled her goggles onto her forehead.

"It's okay." Circe smiled.

"You were riding on Flygon's back while it was underground?" I asked.

"Yup!" The girl smiled. "It's the best way that I can gauge Flygon's speed, and just now, Flygon went the fastest it's ever been."

"It's amazing that you can do that." Circe said. "I'd be freaking from all of the dirt alone."

"Really? I love dirt! The earth is my favorite! Just like ground type Pokémon." The girl smiled with pride.

"My name is Zeldris." I said to her. "This is my partner Pachirisu."

"Cheewa!" Pachirisu waved.

"I'm Circe." Circe smiled, then she looked closer at the girl. "You seem so familiar to me... did you compete in the same Junior Tournament where Platinum first became champion?"

"I sure did! My names Alexis." Alexis smiled. "I go out to train every morning with my Flygon. What about you guys? Where are you heading?"

"We're going to Tiltside Village so that I can compete in the Pokémon Contest there." Circe said.

"Then to Rose City so I can challenge the gym leader and earn my 8th badge." I said.

"Rose City? That's in The Ethereal Archipelago right?" Alexis asked.

"Yeah, so it'll be a while before I actually get to battle the gym leader." I said.

"I know the gym leader really well! How about you and I have a battle? I'll tell you if you're really strong enough to win at Rose City's gym." Alexis.

"A battle?" I said.

"You should go for it." Circe said. "It'll be good training too."

I nodded my head.

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