Devoid Of Confidence!

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Zeldris's POV

"Sciiizoooor!" Scizor cried in pain as hit the ground hard.

"Sciiizoooor!" Scizor cried in pain as hit the ground hard

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"Scizor no!" I exclaimed.

"Houndoom continues to dominate over Scizor! It looks like this battle is just about over!" Said Willis, the announcer.

Damn... I can't even manage to land a hit on Lee's Houndoom! I should've known I wouldn't be able to win... he's one of the strongest trainers in the world. It was a long shot competing in Unova's Junior Tournament...

"S-Sciz..." Scizor weakly said as it began to stand back up.

"Scizor... you still want to continue?" I said to my Pokémon.

"Zor!" Scizor nodded.

"You shouldn't push yourself Scizor!" I said. "It's okay if we can't win..."

"Well that's not going to work." Lee said to me.

"What?" I said with confusion.

"If you don't have any confidence, then you'll never win when it matters most. Houndoom flamethrower!" Lee yelled.

"Houuurrrr!" Houndoom howled as it spewed a stream of flames from its mouth towards Scizor.

"S-Sciz...!" Scizor exclaimed, but it was too weak and damaged to dodge.

"Scizor!" I exclaimed as the flames exploded into him, creating a big cloud of smoke.

"Scizor!" I exclaimed as the flames exploded into him, creating a big cloud of smoke

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"Houndoom's flamethrower sears right into Scizor!" Willis exclaimed. "It's super effective!"

The smoke cloud began to fade away, and Scizor fell over to the ground, and fainted.

The smoke cloud began to fade away, and Scizor fell over to the ground, and fainted

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