Rockruff's Justice!

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3rd Person POV

"Eelektross discharge!" Kai yelled.

"Eleeeektraaahhh!" Eelektross cried as it unleashed a burst of electricity at the Mega Metagross it was fighting.

"Meta!" Metagross cried as it swiftly, and easily dodged.

"Meta!" Metagross cried as it swiftly, and easily dodged

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"Damn... it's too fast!" Kai cursed.

"Flash cannon!" Declan yelled.

"Metaaaa!" Metagross cried as it fired an energy beam of light that exploded into Eelektross.

"Eelektross!" Kai exclaimed as his Eelektross fell to the ground, and fainted.

"Eelektross!" Kai exclaimed as his Eelektross fell to the ground, and fainted

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"Eelektross is unable to battle! Metagross wins!" Said the referee.

Kai is a 19 year old Pokémon trainer, who journeyed through the Hoenn Region to collect all 8 gym badges. Now, after defeating the Hoenn Region's Elite Four, he faces the reigning Hoenn Champion, Declan Morgan, and his partner, Mega Metagross.

"Eelektross return, thanks for battling." Kai said as he returned his defeated Eelektross to its Poké Ball.

"Your Eelektross was strong. You did a good job raising it." Declan smiled.

Kai was frustrated. He'd only managed to defeated 1 of Declan's Pokémon, and especially after coming so far. Now he was down to his last Pokémon.

"Pinsir Sāikō!" Kai threw out his Poké Ball and his last Pokémon, his Pinsir, appeared.

"Raaghh!" It roared.

"Pinsir... you're all I've got left." Kai said to his Pokémon as he raised a keystone into the air. "Ikuze! Mega Shinka!"

Kai tapped his keystone, and light began pouring out of it and into his Pinsir.

"Raaaghh!" Pinsir roared as an energy shell forms around it, then it broke free from the shell, now in its mega state, and a rainbow symbol shined above its head.

"Raaaghh!" Pinsir roared as an energy shell forms around it, then it broke free from the shell, now in its mega state, and a rainbow symbol shined above its head

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