Rematch At The Cocoridge Gym!

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3rd Person POV

"Welcome back to The Daily Scoop! I'm your host, Lenny The Scoop!" Lenny spoke to the tv camera as it streamed to tv's all across the Jadis Region. "I'm here with one of the Elite Four from the Jadis Pokémon League! Katrina Joseph!"

"Hi!" Katrina smiled as she waved. "It's a pleasure to be here. I'm a big fan of The Daily Scoop."

"It's a pleasure to have you." Lenny smiled. "So Katrina... you're battling Champion Platinum tomorrow for a chance at becoming the new Jadis Champion. Isn't that right?"

"Yes." Katrina said. "I've been training with the other Elite Four members, and they've really been helping me become stronger."

"That's great, everyone is really excited. Tickets sold out within minutes." Lenny said. "So Katrina, the Jadis Elite Four is the strongest Elite Four in the world! What's the order strongest to weakest?"

"Well the strongest 2 are Isaiah and Robert. Apollo and I are kind of in the back." Katrina said.

"The 4 of you as well as Platinum attended the same academy isn't that right?" Lenny asked.

"Yep. All of us met during our time at PM Academy. Platinum won against me in the Junior Tournament 3 years ago, so this is my chance to get my revenge." She said.

"Fantastic." Lenny smiled. "We're all looking forward to it! Good luck tomorrow!"

Zeldris's POV

I stepped into the Cocoridge gym. Circe and Kai both walked by my side as the lights in the gym flickered on, and there stood Christian on the battlefield.

"I was waiting for your arrival." Christian smiled. "Welcome to the Cocoridge Town Gym."

"Good luck Zel! We'll be watching!" Circe smiled.

"Ganbatte ne. Stay calm, and you'll win." Kai said.

"Right. Thanks guys." I said as I walked out onto the battlefield, and faced Christian.

"As you know, my name is Christian. I specialize in normal types. I won't let you get your badge easily kid, I appreciate what you did getting the Celestial Gem back, but I'll be testing your skills to the maximum." Christian said as he smiled confidently.

"We're ready for you." I said.

"Cheewa!" Pachirisu excitedly cried.

"The gym battle between Christian and Zeldris will now get underway! This will be a 3 on 3 battle with no substitutions. The battle is over when either side loses 3 Pokémon." Said the referee.

"Alright Lickilicky I'm starting with you!" Christian threw out his Poké Ball and his Lickilicky appeared.

"Leee!" It cried.

A Lickilicky... he didn't use Lickilicky the first time we battled him. Looks like he's changed his team up.

"Lycanroc come on out!" I threw out my Poké Ball and my Lycanroc appeared.

"Lurowwwrr!" It howled.

"Trying to counter my normal types with a rock type? You know your stuff kid." Christian smiled. "Let's see if it works."

"The first move will go to the gym leader! Now let the battle begin!" The referee yelled.

"Lickilicky lick let's go!" Christian yelled.

"Lihhhhck!" Lickilicky yelled as it shot it's tongue at  Lycanroc.

"Lycanroc double team!" I yelled.

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