The Strongest Bug Battle! Zeldris vs Kai!

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Zeldris's POV

Circe and I walked through Cocoridge Town together. It was a nice, cool evening and the street lights lit up the night. People were still out and about, and even kids were still running around playing.

"Even at nighttime Cocoridge Town is still so lively." Circe smiled.

"Y-Yeah." I agreed. This time, should I hold her hand...? We are on a date right? "So uh, are you sure your belly is okay?"

"I'm fine really. It was just a few scratches." Circe said. "So where are we going?"

"Ever been to The Yungoose Tavern?" I asked her.

"Can't say I have." She replied.

"Perfect. That's where we're going." I smiled as I finally grabbed Circe's hand and began dragging her with me.

Her hands were soft, smooth, and delicate, and my heart raced as I dragged her through the town.

"You don't have to go so fast Zel." She sweat dropped.

"S-Sorry." I said as we stopped in front of the tavern and I let go of her hand. "We're here."

Circe and I walked into The Yungoose Tavern and she marveled at the inside.

"Wow...!" She smiled at the wooden tables, and old fashioned mugs, as well as the rest of the aesthetic.

"You act like you've never been to a tavern before." I joked as we sat down at a table together.

"I haven't." She said. "I've never traveled through a region before remember?"

"But didn't your parents ever take you out to a tavern to eat when you were little?" I asked.

"I... never knew my dad. And my mom is um... she's not here anymore. My aunt raised me." Circe said.

Shit! I didn't mean to make her sad!

"Hey! Welcome to The Yungoose Tavern! Can I get you two started with some drinks?" A waitress walked over to Circe and I.

"U-Uh I'll just have a soda pop." I nervously said.

"Wow... there's so many different teas." Circe marveled as she skimmed through the menu.

"Yup!" The waitress said with pride. "The Yungoose Tavern is best known for many different assortments of tea. My favorite though is the Oran Berry Tea."

"Okay, could I try that?" Circe asked.

"Of course sweetheart. I'll be back with your drinks." The waitress smiled as she walked away.

"Sorry about that." I said to her.

"About what?" She asked.

"I didn't mean to uh, make you talk about your family." I anxiously said.

"Oh no you're fine!" Circe said as cheeks turned a tint of pink. "I was the one who brought up my parents."

"So your aunt raised you? What's she like?" I asked.

"She's really nice. She can be a bit too protective, but she's just like a mom." Circe smiled. "Did your parents bring you to this tavern when you were little?"

"Not this one specifically, but other taverns yeah. They kinda all have the same look to them. My dad and I used to always go together, but he died 3 years ago." I said.

"Aw... I'm sorry Zeldris, I didn't know." Circe said sweetly.

"It's alright. I'm still not sure how it happened, but I know that he's at peace now. I hadn't been to a tavern in a while since yesterday though when I was with Kai." I spoke.

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