Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

    The witch who was sick and lying dead was finally taken care of.

    Although the object of taking care of her is a diligent little magic broom who doesn't know what to do with her head, and a back seat of her classmate who is holding on to her big furry tail and can't let go and struggle.

    The witch lay on the belly of the belly who took the initiative to come to the door to beg for sleep. The little monster grew a little bigger than the last time I saw it. The slender body like a squirrel before can now put her snow-white face the size of a slap on the pillow.

    The girl's breathing rose and fell, her long jet-black hair was messily draped over her shoulders. Because of her illness, her usually pale and bloodless skin was dyed with luster, and her berry-colored lips were slightly open.


    Ahild, who was sleeping in her arms, felt his body stiff as if it could be knocked into pieces of tanzanite at once.

    A few breaths made him quiet, and he was finally able to look down at her calmly.

    How strange, thought Asild.

    When the monthly curse broke out and he was not close to her, his whole body was in unbearable pain, the pain pierced through his internal organs like poison arrows, and he only harbored a cold hatred for the devil in his heart.

    But when he was so close to her and sober, he felt that there was still one place that began to swell and became more and more uncomfortable - that was his heart.

    The heart that belongs to the monster is not only burning, but also cunningly trying to absorb his emotions and nutrients as a human being.

    The distance between the two is too close and too close, even if at this moment he is just an ugly, disgusting dirty little thing, no longer has those high-sounding disguise halo, she still holds him like this, without any disgust—— In school, she was the same as in the forest, and she always hoped to draw some heat from him.

    Because I am cold, I want to get warm from others regardless.

    ——Cunning and greedy, perhaps this is the true nature of a witch.

    The monster's crimson eyes like cracked ripples quietly stared at the girl who was sleeping on all fours. For the first time, it didn't spend the night in a daze, but fell into a confused mood that it couldn't even explain itself. .


    Mornings in the Demon Marsh Forest always come lightly.

    The first is the chirping of birds, the sharp claws of small animals rubbing the sap of the soil, followed by the winged creatures galloping through the forest, the huge feathers smashing across the top of the cave, making the arms around Lu Qian, who was furry and sound asleep, barely woke up.

    She rubbed her eyes, and the first sentence was to ask the system, "I don't feel pain anymore???" It

    's amazing! It turns out that a good night's sleep will have this effect!

    "..." The system is really not good at telling the truth. As for why the witch will recover, it can only be said that it has a lot to do with sleeping with her face buried in the belly of the little beast.

    It changed the subject casually, "You see what's different about your cave first!"

    "Huh?" Lu Qian raised her eyebrows suspiciously, she raised her head, and then suddenly held her breath.

After the crown prince became furry, we both fuckedजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें