Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

    The witch had a nosebleed.

    This breaking news took less than half an hour from birth to sensational grade.

    After class, the students in the third-grade corridor gathered in twos and twos. Their expressions were exaggerated, and they were talking about the freshly released secrets of the witch. "It is said that she sacrificed and killed people to obtain dark energy last night."

    "I lost it. , as expected of a witch!" The companion was scared and excited, "Then how many did she kill?"

    "I heard ten."

    "No, no, I heard one hundred."

    "Ah, isn't it a thousand? ?!"

    "It is said that I also heard from others that the mass grave at the back of the school was dug up by her."

    "!!! This is too evil!"


    The evil that all the students in the school make up for The witch was covering her bleeding nose. Lu Qian wanted to go home directly, but this happened to be the class teacher Hong Ke's class. She was a little reluctant.

    As soon as the other party came in, his nose first sniffed keenly in the air, and then he stepped forward and lifted her cloak in surprise, and two big tiger palms picked her up like a baby.

    He said to his classmates, "Self-study first, the class committee will take care of the discipline."

    Lu Qian's face was flushed and she was carried all the way to the infirmary by the teacher she had a crush on.

    The doctor on duty there pushed the crystal glasses on the bridge of her nose, and quickly gave her a strong inhibitory injection.

    "This child's magic power has suddenly burst out. It's a very dangerous situation."

    "Yes," Hong Ke, who has many years of experience as a head teacher, stretched out his pads and touched the cold sweat on the hot foreheads of the female students in the class—except for nosebleeds, A typical symptom of a magical explosion is a high fever.

    He pondered, "It was me who was oversight, I didn't expect that there would be students in the third grade who had an explosion of magic power."

    The eruption of magic power is a sign that many young people have just entered adolescence. This is often due to excessive pressure or adverse external influences. If it is not treated in time, it is likely to endanger the child's future magic power reserves, and even seriously make him change. become crippled.

    "It's not normal," said the doctor on duty. "The eruption of magic power should occur at the age of twelve or thirteen. She is a little too late at this age. I have to find out what the reason is."

    "Well," Mrs. Hongke nodded. "But it's not an exception. I remember the last one was..."

    Lu Qian fell asleep amid the discussion between the two adult teachers.

    When she woke up, she saw a little rabbit standing not far from the hospital bed, which was less than knee-high. It was Robbie.

    She was twisting the hot towel on Lu Qian, when she saw Lu Qian woke up, she hurried over, "Are you feeling better?"

    Lu Qian has not experienced this kind of feeling of being taken care of for a long time, she nodded, "I'm fine. Now , thank you."

    She was about to get off the bed, but she was so weak due to the effect of the medicine that she almost sat down on the cold ground, Robbie hurriedly cushioned her, but she hardly felt the weight of the witch.

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