13. Unknown feeling

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"O-officer." Jimin's eyes widened, when Jungkook suddenly pulled him close by his waist, he loses his balance as he held Jungkook's shoulder tightly.

"Shh." Jungkook put his index finger on Jimin's lips. "Don't talk infront of her, okay?" Jungkook wishpers as he saw how Jimin is looking at him with big eyes, but after some seconds Jimin nodded his head. "Good boy." Jungkook said removing his finger from Jimin's lips as he caressed his cheeks with his hands. "Did you enjoyed?" Jungkook asked caressing his cheeks as he looked into Jimin's eyes with so much adoration.

Jimin blinked innocently he didn't understand anything what's happening, why suddenly officer is behaving like this? He is feeling something going round round in his stomach, why he is feeling like this?

He never felt like this.

He heart beating wildly in his chest, the feeling is unknown, it was different from those moments his heart thumped, when he got so many insults or scolding from his aunt and his so called son. he has felt like this before too, when he used to saw those dramas in his noona's laptop in which the when the main lead about to kiss each other, but that's too is different feeling if he compared to right now, the officer is very closed to him, he can feel his breath.

"Jungkook." Jimin flinched in Jungkook's arms when he heard a unfamiliar sudden voice from behind, he tried to move away from Jungkook, but Jungkook's arms tightened around his waist, he bit his lips nervously as he turned around in Jungkook's strong arms to face the other voice just to see a girl standing just 2 feets away from them eyeing them suspiciously.

The girl is very beautiful, in her early 20s, anyone can fell over her, but here she is behind the officer who always ignored her like a plague.

Jungkook looked at her and smiled a little. "Oh, Miss. Han I didn't see you." Jungkook said as he pulled Jimin more closer to his chest making him gasp.

The girl smiled awkwardly nodding her head. "You seems very busy." She said bitterly eyeing Jimin from up to down making him uncomfortable under her burning gaze. "And please, it's So Hee." She said while smiling at him checking him from head to toe.

Well, he looks Hot in Police uniform and he knows It.

"Yeah I am busy, Miss Han." Jungkook said ignoring her plead, he smirked as he slid his hand to hold Jimin's hand leaving a kiss on his wrist.

"Umm yeah, I can see that... So, who is he?" She asked as she eyed Jimin who clutched on Jungkook's shoulder tightly, she tried to keep calm but wasn't able to hide the irritation in her voice.

"He is. Wait... Why should I tell you?" Jungkook said as he can see the curiousity and a hint of irrigation on her face.

"Ohh, obviously your side who-" She was about to complete her sentence but stopped after getting a deadly glare from the officer, she gulped.

Jungkook turned Jimin towards himself to face him who is looking very confused and innocent. He cupped his face. "Sweetheart you should get in the car okay, it's getting chilled outside." Jungkook said in a soft voice caressing his cheeks, as he saw how Jimin blushed looking down hiding his Rosy cheeks.

The girls eyes widened and mouth slightly opened in a shocked after hearing Jungkook's soft voice, she never heard it before, he didn't talked to anyone like this. The girl's fist clenched as she saw the scene infront of her eyes, he glares at Jimin who is not even looking at him.

"Get in." Jungkook opened the passenger seat door for Jimin to get in the car, he jumped in and sat on the passenger seat, Jungkook buckles his seatbelt and he closed the door then turned around to face the girl with his dark eyes. "So, what are you saying Miss. Han?" He asked with dark voice glaring at her, letting her know that he didn't like her presence.

"Does your dad knows about this?" She asked raising her an eyebrow crossing her hand over her chest.

Jungkook tensed hearing his father's name but he didn't let the nervousness show on his face. "It has nothing to do with you." Jungkook said gritting his teeth as his fist clenched, he wants to punch her so bad, why can't she just leave him alone.

She scoffed. "Then what about the promise you dad did?"

"What promise?" He asked glancing at the car just to see Jimin is looking at him with curious eyes.

"He fixed our date Jungkook." She raised her voice.

"So what? It's not like it's our marriage date. Right? And other than that I am not interested in you." He said without any regret in his voice. "Now excuse me." He said as he turned around towards his car leaving her stunned.

Did he just rejected me? She thought. She glares at them through the tinted windows as she watched her eyes widened when she saw what is happening.

Jungkook entered in his car as he closed the door with a loud thud making Jimin flinch, he looked at Jimin to see there's still some cheese on his lips, he moved forward to him to hold his face to remove it, that's when he noticed the girl is still looking at them. An idea formed in his mind as he smirked devilishly, he pulled Jimin more closer by holding back of his neck, the other boy's eyes widened at the closeness, his heart started thumping loudly, as he watched Jungkook leaning towards his lips, but stopped as he looked into Jimin's eyes. "Um... You have some cheese on your lips." He told him nervously as he bought his hand on his lips gently wipping the corners of his lips, titling his head Jungkook glanced towards mirror to see the girl's shocked expressions, he knows what she is thinking from her angle it's look like Jungkook is kissing his cute boy. And he is satisfied after clearing everything with her, even though he told her many times but the girl is stubborn just like his father.

How he dared to reject me for some stupid boy, stomping her feet she left from there in anger.

After she left from there, he pulled away from Jimin just to see his cheeks are red as tomato as he is looking back at him with confused expressions.

Jungkook sighed as he is feeling guilty for using Jimin. But he thought it was his chance to clearly reject her, or else she always found her ways to stick with him, which he didn't like it.

"Officer... W-Who is she?" He is surprised that Jimin asked him this question, well Jimin barely talked, so it's surprising.

He cleared his throat as he looked at him. "She is... No one." He said with calm expressions making Jimin confused more, Jimin nodded even though he is still confused, but he didn't wanted to look desperate.

"Don't think about it too much. Okay." Jungkook said as he saw Jimin nodded innocently.

He sighed Nth time as he started the car. Ignoring the new feeling boomed in his heart.

To be Continued.

To be Continued

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