28. Angel & Demon

Start from the beginning

"Thanks. Took me a while to make." I said. Manny walked up behind me and patted my shoulder.

"You're a crafty kid. Just like mama." He said. Which is true. I remember mama making our costumes growing up. I just never got to try my gift because I wasn't tall enough to reach the scissors.

"What about me?" Dina said. We turned to see her short curly hair. She twirled, her lavender dress twirling and ruffles under.

"Who are you supposed to be?" I asked.

"Anita. From West Side Story. Rita Morena. Who won an Oscar?" She asked. I began thinking.

"Oh yeah. Her." I said. Dina huffed and decided not to say anything.

The time to leave was here. The four of us piled into the car and Manny drove to the dance. Our car almost got hit by eggs but Manny made sure to almost run them over. This will be the first time I go to the Halloween dance. Am I nervous? Sure. Do I fear for my life right now? Always. But tonight I get to see Mike again.

Loud music. Strobing lights. Screams of those girls that try too hard to get boys to like them. All mixed together to form the dance.

"I'm freezing!" Dina said when we exited the car. She rubbed her arms with her hands to try and get some warmth.

"Should've brought a sweater, pendeja." I said. She glared at me and was ready to pounce. "I'm sure the inside will be warm." I added.

Inside the gym was decorated nicely. Orange and black streamers hung from the ceiling. A table with snacks and spiked punch was on one of the walls. This table was socially split in half with both sides claiming one (A bit sad because the Jewels side had mooncakes).

"Rafa. Watch over him." Manny said. I groaned and was about to tell Manny to let me be on my own but he walked away to talk with other people. That left Dina, Rafa, and me to be standing against the walls.

"Do you see him yet?" I asked Dina.

"No, I haven't seen your boyfriend." She whispered back to me. That word boyfriend still sends tingles.

"What are you two whispering about?" Rafa asked.

Dina snapped. "None of your business!" To which Rafa shut up and didn't turn to us.

Like a God entering a room, the gym doors opened and in walked the man of the hour. He stood with his friend next to him.

I've never seen how Mike's body looked before. I only imagined it based on Dolores' magazines. But all those thoughts never prepared me for how he actually looked.

Mike wore black pants and shoes. He had an unbuttoned sleeveless leather jacket. And best of all, nothing underneath. Instead, his chiseled body was painted red. Meanwhile his face was left the same with a little black smeared under his eyes. Atop his head were two red plastic horns.

The paint was dry on his body but gave off an iridescent glow to his chest. I can imagine my fingers running through his muscles and feeling the soft skin.

Mike's eyes scoured the gym, looking for his prey. When his eyes landed on mine, a blush came on his face. Now he was entirely red.

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