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️⚠️Warning: Mentions of trauma and slight mentions of torture in this chapter. If affected, please read with caution. ⚠️



I sat by Lynette's right as she slept, Remington at her left, and held her hand.

Its been almost 24 hours since she fell under the spell, and there's been no luck in anything.

Sebastian continued to interrogate Alister and Hermes, but they wouldn't say much, other than the reason being they were helping Remington.

We've tried to find the Sandman, but have had no luck either.

Everyone is also trying to look through Lady Eloise's notes, but she wrote everything in a code that not even Emerson himself had been able to crack completely.

Only word he was able to decrypt was a single phrase: Eye in the Sky

What was strange was that according to Emerson, that was the only single phrase in a simple binary decryption, taught as a first year lesson even at the Academy to the younger ones, among other symbolic decryptions that don't even have a known key.

It appears the elusive Calypso wanted to keep even her own secrets hidden from her enemies, even after death....

I looked over at Lynette, or now Dream, and held her hand.

The day I first met her, I knew she was someone special. That she belonged alongside with me and Shy. Despite her curiousity and nervousness, she remained strong and never faltered, automatically knowing what was at stake and handling it as bravely as she could.

A true Obsidian woman, ever since the beginning...

When Emerson rescued her from Lilith's torture, and I saw what became of her, my heart shattered.

I stayed by her side days and nights, angry that my blood or anyone else's wasn't healing her fast enough, and already mourning the loss of my brother-in-law, and trying to stabilize and care for Obsidian while also in hiding was all so stressful.

Now, her being in this dreaming state for who knows how long, it brings back unpleasant memories of those days seeing her heal from burns, gashes and more.

"I never wanted to be in this position again...." I said softly with a frown.

Remington looked up at me sadly, then pursed his lips. "You mean after... After she was tortured....?"

I looked up sadly. "I'm only glad you never saw her like that, Remington...." I said. "It was awful.... Its different now, of course, since she's only sleeping and unharmed, but.... This still brings back bad memories of when she was in recovery..."

He looked over at Lynette as she slept peacefully, then reached over and held her hand. "Everything that's happened to her.... Sebastian was right.... Bringing her here was a bad idea...."

I looked at him in surprise. "Don't say that...." I scolded. "If you had left her in Vancouver with her memory wiped clean, she never would have known the truth about herself."

He looked up at me.

"She would have lived the rest of her life alone and in fear.... Thinking that she was abandoned by her family, and never knowing that her parents sacrificed everything, even themselves, just so she can live another day...."

He looked up at me with sad eyes. "I never wanted her to suffer for the truth, though..."

I frowned. "I know.... I guess that's why the truth always hurts...." I said.

Redeemer {Sequel to "Tonight Is The Night I Die"}Where stories live. Discover now