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⚠️️Warning: Chapter contains mentions of childhood abandonment, mentions of abuse and loss/death. If affected, please read with caution. ⚠️



"So, wait... My father is alive, and he had his pet bird, who is a messenger between dreams, dump magic sand on me so that I can meet you and go on some weird mission in my subconscious mind?" I asked Sandman as we walked down the street.

"Hmm, something like that," he said.

I sighed as I walked. "All of a sudden, Emerson's philosophical quotes make more sense than this," I sighed as we walked, making him chuckle softly.

"Believe me, your father always had a reason for things... Cold and stern as he is, he's still very intelligent and always meant well, and never hurt anyone unless he had a very good reason to... Like that traitor who harrassed your mother."

I sighed as I continued finding my way through the streets with him, following Horus as he flew ahead, leading us to the next clue.

That's when I noticed everyone on tue streets going about their day, not even glancing at us or noticing that we were there.

As if we're invisible...

"Hey.... C-Can no one see us here? I mean, I'm pretty sure a tall reaper looking dream deity, no offense, with a white hawk and a random girl running after numbers and clues in her subconscious would catch anyone's attention here...." I said in confusion.

"The people in your dream world don't always hold relevance unless they need to," he explained. "To them, you're just another everyday person who's barely even there..."

I furrowed my brows and looked around, seeing as everyone around us went about their day, oblivious to our presence.


Horus then screeched for us as he swerved to the right between some buildings, pulling me from my thoughts.

That's when I realized something.

"Wait..." I said as we followed and then soon arrived, just as he perched himself on a dumpster nearby.

"The dumpster... Look at the grafitti," Sandman motioned.

I looked over at where he pointed.


"Roman numerals for 747," he stated as we looked at it, and then looked in the alley as it suddenly hit me.

"Oh my god...." I frowned as I looked around, everything being familiar to me, and then saw the sign on the side of the building.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"We're right behind Maki Bar...." I mumbled.

He furrowed his brows as I looked back at the dumpster that Horus was perched.

"This was where I was found..." I said. "As a baby....."

He stood quietly as he looked at the dumpster, too.

"Where your life in the Earth Realm began...." he said.

I nodded quietly as I walked over.

"December 14th, 1996.... A teenage busboy for this sushi restaurant late at night was taking out the trash at closing, and.... He found me in the dumpster crying, only a few hours old....." I sighed, standing in front of the rusted dumpster. "He shouted for his boss, who then called police and paramedics.... I ended up becoming a ward of the state from then.... At least, that's what I read from the report in my file one day when I got curious....."

Redeemer {Sequel to "Tonight Is The Night I Die"}Where stories live. Discover now