Chapter Fourty Three

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Yusuf walk on the hallway of the hospital with an insulated carrier hanging on her shoulder, his hand holding the top not wanting the contained to be shaking.

Is around 2:30am after midnight. There flight landed about thirty minutes ago, two cars was waiting for them already when they landed.

One took Daddy home, to go and freshing up and meet them back in the morning like he said while the other one brought him here straight.

He doesn't know whether his Father in law spoke with anyone of them at all cause he didn't.

He was rushing that he end up leaving both his personal and office phone in this office.

He actually remember it after the plane took off and there was nothing he could do, so he did send her an emails hoping that once it pop up she will check it since she is with the phone.

And he happened to be with his laptop, knowing she will be anxious that's why he wanted to update her of what's going on there even though he knew Daddy will do the same.

She hasn't responded to either of them which made him think she might not have seen it.

The entire hospital is quiet, except for the few workers he met on his way, in and out of the elevator whom mostly are on night shift.

The light has brighten everywhere which someone might even mistake as late afternoon.

The elevator stopped with a ding. A tired Yusuf look up as a smile grace up his lips, he step out of the elevator feeling all the soreness on his body disappear.

Yusuf stop looking around the floor which is dim except for the light flashing from nursing station.

He chuckles softly knowing deep down this is the Maleek's work. And for a reason he knew clearly too well, no one has ever corrected them ever since they started occupying the floor.

Heading directly to Anwar's room, Yusuf stop by the nursing station where he was greeted by the two male nurses whom he assume are on duty today.

He answered them by nodding his head and continue down the hallway to Anwar's room.

About five steps away from the room that's when he notice a shadow, seated with the person head rested uncomfortably on the chair.

Not wanting to wake the person up, Yusuf tiptoe to the door, he place his hand on the handle while adjusting the strap from his shoulder with this other hand when a soft groan escape from the person's mouth.

Yusuf abruptly turn as something hit him hard on the chest. His eyes lingers on the face on the man seated there and he knew without a doubt who that is.

It took him a minute as he swallow a lump wondering what is going on before he turn and headed inside.

He light in the room too was dim and the room is quiet except for the sound coming from the monitor attached to Anwar's bed.

He looked around in dismay but the more he look the more he is convince the room is empty, wondering where all the people are leaving Anwar alone.

Yusuf drop the insulated carrier then approach the bed at the same time the bathroom door was swing opened which immediately made Yusuf's face brighten up with a smile.

Huda whom seems like the has lost tens pounds in a week now appear before it looking down with her hand behind her which she use to close the door looking more skinny and paler than ever.

She took a step, wiping the remnant of water from her face then stop dead on her track and slowly look up to where he stood.

She looks a bit confused at first, as her face lingers on him then a quick gasps escape her lips her eyes instantly waters.

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