Chapter Fourty One

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Huda relaxes on the couch inside the hospital room, shaking her crossed legs.

She has her phone in her hand while going through the materials Nusra just forwarded to her.

Both she and Nusra rushed here after what Yusuf told her about Anwar being sick and admitted. But surprisingly when she reach, she found the boy playing around and Yusuf no where to be found.

She saw her father in law whom showed her to the room Anwar's being admitted to, while telling her not to worry is nothing serious.

After making sure that is indeed not serious cause Anwar himself has being running around the hospital with his grand Father's lab coat and stethoscope in the name of playing doctor.

And it seems that Abba too doesn't mind going around with the boy while explaining things that she absolutely know Anwar is going to disturb her about them letter.

The way Anwar was playing from this floor to the next is what assure her that it might not be that serious.

So she and Nusra went back home to bring some necessities after leaving dozen calls for both Yusuf and her Mum which went answered.

For her Mum, she simply think she is busy and as for Yusuf, Well Yusuf will come and explain where and what's going on, she heard that he is not in the hospital.

After staying for an hour, Nusra left since they have work to do while Huda sat there waiting for Yusuf.

And since Anwar left with his grand Father again after their return, still in the over size lab coat with the stethoscope hanging on his neck, she found that she has nothing to worry about.

A small knock came on the door which made her to raise her head to it and immediately a smile crept on her lips when her eyes made contact with his.

"Hi Yang..." Huda mumbles happily waving her hand above her head.

Yusuf's face widen with a weak smile as he step inside, hands in pocket.

"Where is Anwar?" He asked trying to put on a natural look as he search around the room with his eyes.

"You can never guess what he and Abba are up to..." Huda mumbles softly dropping both her legs to the tilted floor at the same time Mummy appear before the door which made Huda to shut up, a bit fazed.

"Mummy?" She called in a faint voice as her gaze transfer between Mummy and her husband.

"Huda." Mummy simply reply walking in further and looking so worried that looking at her face alone send shivers down Huda's spine which made her lost her smile that instant.

Huda sat up straight, tilting her head to her husband who is facing her with his back that's when she realize how tense he seems.

Even though he is not fair, she can visibly caught the glimpse of his veins from his expose neck which tells her whatever this is can't be good.

"How is Anwar? And where is he?" Mummy's flat voice asked as she also look around the room before her gaze stop at Huda.

Huda swallow a huge lump also settling her gaze on her mother. "I called you like dozen times you never pick up" She blurt out softly.

And she watch as Mummy's jaws tighten while she look down with Yusuf looking the other way avoiding her gaze.

A small scared scoffed suddenly escape her lips which brought both their attention to her.

"What is wrong with him Yusuf?" Huda asked more like demanded but even then both of them can feel just how frighten how voice sound.

Yusuf took a deep breath looking up as he finally turn and face her and for once in his life he is speechless.

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