Chapter Fourty Two

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The night seems gloomy and dark just like the heart of certain individuals in the Maleek's family.

Especially the ones staying over at the hospital. Huda and Yusuf, then some of the family members that are at the lounge, waiting anxiously for what the morning will bring.

Yusuf adjusted the comforter on the sleeping Anwar while slowly sipping his hand from Anwar's.

The boy finally manage to get some sleep, he had to be giving a strong pain killer cause he has being complaining about severe body pain ever since he regain consciousness after they stabilized him.

Yusuf was almost giving up on the sleep cause even though Anwar complain of body pain and you can see it on his face, but his mouth is definitely they're as clear as the day while he kept on asking about his health.

After that scary event from this evening which shock the whole family to the core cause apparently, he fainted on the hallway and Huda was with him.

He was rushed back to the room before they manage to get his Dr. After the Dr manage to stabilize him, she end up talking to Huda and blabbed a lot and the next thing they know was Huda laying on the floor.

Yusuf switched on the humidifier by Anwar's bed then turn, making sure the boy is sound asleep, he bend down and place a soft kiss on his forehead before he stood straight.

It took him another 5mins observing the boy before he finally force himself to go and face Huda whom was still seated on the prayer mat she was force to pray Magrib on.

She didn't stood up even after he got back from Ihsha with Abba and Daddy with some of their uncles and family friends.

They still found her where they left her maybe even more dumbfounded than before as she just follow them with eyes.

A while later, one by one they all left to the VIP lounge, leaving them alone. Abba propose they all home and return tomorrow, but no one even head his advice.

As both Mummy and Daddy brush him off and that's all the rest need as they follow him suit.

Yusuf sat down next to her on the prayer mat as Huda trails her eyes on him before it went back down, gazing at her perfectly manicured fingers.

Yusuf let his eyes linger on her face for a while. He swallow a lump also looking down at her intertwined fingers which are by the way still shaking as she clutch them together but it wasn't close to stopping.

His heart bleeds just looking at her like this. He hate seeing her like this. He hate how helpless she looks and especially when he knows no word can cheer her right now.

Signing, Yusuf stood up and headed to where all the food where kept opening a basket to the next, until he found the one he was looking for.

He picked a bowl then put some grapes, apples and more of the strawberry which he knew she likes then headed to the bathroom and wash them thoroughly before he came back and sat where he stood up from.

"Have this." He mumbles forcing a smile on his face while picking one of the apple and place it near her mouth. "At this rate you might end up like a skeleton if care is not taking."

Huda chuckles as she lift her eyelid and set it on him, with each word that came out of his mouth she can detect his worry which he is trying hard to hide.

She knew definitely whatever she is feeling currently cannot be explain. She though she already experience all the pains in the world that nothing can hurt her anyone.

But clearly she was wrong. Today again she is proven wrong in her theory, cause the pain she feels today is making her numb.

"Aaa..." Yusuf hmm urging her to open her mouth as he push her apple further to her mouth.

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