Chapter Thirty Eight

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"Come on Huda." Yusuf murmur seated next to Huda while dragging the comforter.

"You slept the whole day. Did you even pray zuhur?" He asked

Huda groan turning to the other side. "Let me sleep..." She mumbles in a sleepy voice.

Yusuf sighed thinking of the best way to make her leave the bed. Her not going to work is seriously getting to him.

Huda can stay the whole day in bed eating junks without even bordering to bath, she only leave the bed and pray just to come back and continue later.

"I brought you shushi from your favorite Chinese restaurant." Yusuf mumbles his hand trailing her bare back.

"That's not gonna work..." She reply with a sleepy voice while clutching the comforter.

"Seriously though Huda, you need to get up we have somewhere to be in an hour." Yusuf said tilting his head to have a better view of her face.

Huda groan again as she open her sleepy eyes and set it on him.

Yusuf hold her gaze for a bit. Her face is all swollen because of the sleep and she also looks a bit chubbier which is something he is sure she wouldn't like.

Shaking his head in disapproval, his hand went around her face, tugging a strand hair behind.

"If this continue..." He trail holding her gaze a bit. "Am sure in no time people will forget about the most sort after model. Huda...."

"My charms comes from the soul, something am sure all other models doesn't know about. Beside..." Huda continue full of herself while waving her hand.

"Have you ever seen a model, mother of one, who look as fit as I do..."

"Am sure we all get to decide when your body actually goes through postpartum .."

They hold each other's gaze for a spilt second with Huda knowing deep down what he meant.

"I do need that bath right now..." She didn't wait for what he have to say as she literally jump off the bed and storm to the toilet.

Yusuf chuckles softly. Huda is still avoiding the issue and well he is letting her do it cause he believe she will tell him the truth when she wants.

The soft click of her heel against the tiled floor which is getting closer is what made Yusuf whom was seated at the dinning table to look up, not that he can see the stairs from where he is but nonetheless he wanted to see when she grace him with her presence.

"Took you long a enough..." Yusuf trail softly his eyes on her face which have a lot heavier make up than any other day.

"This is the shortness I ever taken to get ready." Huda reply nonchalant standing next to him.

"What's up with all the strange things on your face?" He ask pointing at her face. This is the first time he is seeing her with a heavy make up even their wedding and her shot she always have light on.

"Is an armor." She blurt out dropping her bag then circle the table to where the fridge in.

"Armor for what?" Yusuf asked going back to his phone. "Not like we're getting ready to fight." He pointed put dumbfounded.

"You just told me to get ready without telling me where we are going..." Huda said leaning against the fridge door after talking a sip of a can coke.

"I took precautions..." She continue tilting her head proudly.

"How do I look." Huda asked stepping closer to him while opening her arms.

Yusuf chuckles softly. His intense gaze set on her as he tilt his head. "Damn sexy my lady."

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