Chapter Fifteen

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The sound of flesh hitting another is what made Anwar hug his Mother's legs tightly as he slowly take a peek at the enraged looking Mummy whom stood in front of Huda.

Huda took some minutes with her head down and eyes blurry. She wasn't expecting anything much but at least not a slap as soon as she close the door and especially when she came in with her son.

She slowly raise her gaze and spot her Dad standing by the television looking worried as expected then turn to her Mother whom was fuming in anger while giving her a deadly glare.

Huda use the back of her hand to skillfully wipe her tears as she force a fake smile on her face while bending to her son. "Go to the room Anwar.. " she mumbles giving him a reassuring smile seeing how scared he looks.

"Ummi will be right there..." She continue in a calm voice dusting the front of his shirt "I just need to discuss something with Mummy and Daddy and you need to pray Isha..."

Huda watched as Anwar slowly transfer his gaze to them and he let it ligers on Mummy, clearly thinking before he turn it to her and said. "No I want to stay with you, I don't want Mummy to s..."

"We're going to talk..." Huda quickly interrupt him as she blink her eyes. Moments like this is why she hates Anwar's sharpness.

"I need you to go and pray...." She trails her eyes on him. "I will be there soon..."

Anwar turn and gave Mummy another gaze before he turn to Huda still hesitant then slowly nods his head.

Huda let go of him, watching him striding towards the stairs. He stop by the foot of it and gaze at her again which made Huda to nod her head slowly before Anwar claim it. She waited until she heard the push of their door closes behind him that's when Huda sighed calmly turning her gaze to her parents.

"I thought we've reach conclusion about Khalid and I?" She asked her parents confuse cause she thought after their little heart to heart talk at the office everything will be cool now.

"Do you just hear yourself." Mummy blurt out with a pathetic scoff as she turn to gaze at Huda.

"Who do you think will be ready to marry you if not him...?" She continue with a stern voice. "Beside do you have any idea what you did today..."

"Yes..." Huda interrupt determine cause she will not sit down and let anyone play toy with her anymore.

"I will simply not have my name associated with Khalid's ever again. That happened for the last 20years of my life but no more..."

"And you're okay having it associate with Dr Kabir El Yakoob's son..." It was Daddy's angry voice that snap as he turn completely and set his gaze on Huda.

Huda's gaze lingers on her father for a while, he does look angry which is very rear but still it seems like he is trying to control himself unlike Mummy.

"We were never the ones that put your name with Khalid..." Mummy continue. "You did that yourself..."

"And I told you no more..." Huda interrupt. Her own blazing gaze on her Mother. "I cut whatever ties I shared with him 6 years ago..." She literary force herself to say the words cause to her, saying it out loud will really means that she meant it.

She swallow a lump as she felt her eyes blurry again. "Please Daddy..." She mumbles eyes closed, her voice at the verge of breaking down.

"Please Mum..." She continue which immediately send both parents to their breaking point. Huda snaps her eyes open allowing her tears to flows freely.

"Am tired..." She whispers painfully setting her gaze on her Mother before she slowly transfer it to her Father. "Am tired of fighting with the two of you..." She continue between sobs.

Her Silent Cries (Editing)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon