Chapter Six

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Khalid's gaze lingers on his wife who just entered the room, with some of his ironed clothes and went directly to the wardrobe and start arranging them.

He took a deep breath, his gaze back to the laptop in front of him. Ever since they came back, which was before magrib, this is his first time seeing her which is almost midnight.

He is as guilty as charged exactly like Huda said earlier on, but he just can't help it. He knows that Zara does not deserve this from him and he is doing the best he could not to show how he feels whenever Huda is around.

But the tasks seems to be next to impossible. Whenever he sight Huda, all his though, all his attention will automatically be fixed on her and it happens to always be in front of Zara and being the good person that Zara is, she has never asked or showed her displeasure about it.

Except for today that she seems awfully quiet ever since they left Uncle Ahmad's house. Yes, he wants Huda back in his life, but he doesn't want to cheat Zara in anyway to it.

He knows she definitely heard about his relationship with Huda, is something that cannot be hiding in the family, but she is doing her best to ignore, at least he shouldn't rob it on her face.

"Am sorry about what happened this afternoon?" He blurt out, his voice came out more like a whisper.

Immediately Zara's body stiffen as her mind flash back to this evening when she saw him standing with Huda.

He actually left him phone in the parlor, so when it rang, it was Mummy that told her to check on him since they all saw it when he went out and by the time she came out, she saw him walking away which made her to follow him and imagine her surprise when she saw him stopping Huda.

Zara sighed as she put back the last piece of clothe then close the drawer, forcing a smile to face she turn her gaze to him then said. "You don't have to apologize"

Khalid watched her speechless as she walk to her own side of bed and slips in. Zara's behavior is making it harder for him. She has always being this soft spoken obedient wife which scares him a little sometimes.

"I know that you guys have history together..." Zara continue calmly as she turn and look at him. "And I have no right to be jealous over your relationship with her, cause I know you will always choose her thousand of times over me".

Khalid open his mouth wanting to object to what she said but he couldn't find it in himself to form any reasonable word.

A regrettable chuckles escape Zara's lips as she tilt her head, feeling a pit raising deep inside her stomach. She already knows. That's the reality she lives in, but some part of her wishes he contradict her words.

"You're my wife..." Khalid finally have the courage to murmured, as he put his laptop aside while taking both her hands in his. "You're Adnan's mother" he continue searching her gaze, and his voice no doubt desperately trying to accept that fact.

Zara raise her eyes and lock with his, she has always wished and hoped for the day that his eyes will show different emotions for her, cause ever since she knows him it has always being one emotion, which is guilt.

She wish for the day that, that look will change to love. Just like it always rose with happiness, love and care whenever Huda is in sight.

"Maybe you should start acting like that..." She whispers as her gaze went back to her hands in his. "Cause it never seems that way when Huda is around".

"What do you mean...?" Khalid asked not because he doesn't understand what she means but he is just so confused.

Zara rose her gaze and set it on him them murmured. "I just wish you'll respect me as your first wife and mother of your child whenever you see Huda not just forget about my existence".

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